She waves a hand, dismissing my worry. “Please. I’m fine. I found George, and he of course chastised me for being at a bar alone.”

Pride fills me at thinking of George giving Evie a hard time about her poor life choices. Us Sumners do look out for our friends’ safety.

“He started by scolding me like an old man, and I taunted him like a naughty girl, but after we grew tired of that façade, we started having a real conversation. He asked me questions. He actually seemed to—care.” She blinks at me, appearing a little dazzled. “I ended up talking with George for the rest of the night. His friends eventually abandoned him, and the bar slowly emptied out, until we were the last two sitting there, still engrossed in conversation. When we realized they were hoping to close up, he suggested we go have a late dinner together, and I agreed because I was starving.”

“Okay,” I say. “Go on.”

“We went to one restaurant not far from my place, but it was terribly crowded, and the wait was endless. We ended up going to another restaurant, a tiny little Asian place that had the most delicious food I’ve ever eaten. We shared plates, we sat close to each other, all cozy and a little drunk, and the next thing I knew, his hand was on my knee. He didn’t seem in a hurry to remove it, and the weirdest thing was, I actually wanted him to touch me.”

Oh no. “Are you going to go into more detail?” I need to stop this conversation if she does.

“Do you not want to hear all the details?” Evie asks, her expression pure innocence.

“Not about my brother,” I say vehemently, making her laugh.

“I won’t go into full detail, but we ended up going back to my flat that night and…hooking up.”

I almost want to stick my fingers in my ears and chant gibberish to ward off her words. “God, did you two have—”

“Sex? Not that night,” she admits.

“Oh my God, you’ve had sex with my brother!” I practically shriek.

Evie climbs out of bed, clasping her hand over my mouth. “Shush! They might hear you!”

“So? They should hear you! God, you’ve gotten naked with my brother and now he’s here with his new lady friend and what he’s done is so wrong, Evie. Having the both of you here is going to muck things up very, very badly.”

My head feels like it’s literally spinning at her confession. If George has had sex with my best friend, then why did he bring Priscilla here? Is she really his girlfriend? Is this some sort of game he’s playing?

“I don’t understand what’s happening,” I say, voicing my concern. And confusion. I rub my temples with my fingers. “This makes no sense.”

“You’re right. It makes absolutely no sense. And I know my being here with George and his new—girlfriend mucks everything up. This

is why I didn’t want to come.” She points a finger at me. “I told you I didn’t want to be here. You should’ve listened to me.”

I should’ve. I so should’ve.

Taking a deep breath, I try to assess the situation logically. “Okay. So you’ve had sex with George. Big deal, right? It’s nothing serious between you two.”

She’s quiet. Too quiet. I don’t like this.

“I’ve had sex with your brother multiple times,” she finally says.

I’m frowning so hard my forehead hurts. “Multiple?”

She nods.

“When you say multiple, do you mean more than twice?”

“Oh yes,” she says with enthusiasm.

Too much enthusiasm.

“At least—ten times?” That sounds extreme, but when I count how many times Cannon and I had actual sex when he was here, it was at least ten times. Perhaps more.

She nods again.

I close my eyes. Take a deep breath. Count to ten before I open them again. “When was the last time you had sex with George?”