Evie’s expression is pure sympathy, so I continue, “But not all the time, only when he’s particularly hungry.” Which seems to be all the time, not that I’ll mention it. “He can be rather loud, and he’s just so…large. She’ll hate him for his size alone, I know she will.”

“That’s a terrible reason to hate someone,” Evie says, her voice low, her eyes narrowed. She loves talking badly about my mother. “Just because he’s large.”

“That’s my mother for you, though. She won’t approve. He doesn’t have a title, he doesn’t come from a noble family, and he’s American. All negatives in her rule book.”

Evie scowls. “Your mother is horrible.”

And that’s my cue to change the subject, which I do with ease. I ask Evie about her love life and usually that’s her cue to regale me with all sorts of sordid tales. But she remains mum, surprisingly evasive, which makes no sense whatsoever. When the server eventually arrives with our meals and Evie’s second dirty martini, she flirts with him shamelessly. Even batting her eyelashes at him and flashing him a bit of leg, which is completely over the top.

Just watching her makes me miss Cannon. Why, I’m not sure. Maybe because I don’t have to try very hard and he’s instantly interested in me?

“The waiter is cute,” Evie says once he leaves. “Think I should give him my number?”

“Give him your Snapchat. It’s safer. Then he can’t call and terrorize you,” I say, pushing my fork around my plate. Guess I’m not as hungry as I thought I was.

“Maybe I want him to terrorize me.” She grins, her eyes sparkling, and I blame the martinis. “You’ve had a good terrorizing the last couple of days. Now it’s my turn.”

“Cannon didn’t terrorize me,” I say, a little irritated at her choice of words.

“Hmm, well he certainly did something to you, what with the way you’re all glowy and in love after a mere three days,” she mutters.

“Four,” I correct. “We spent four days together.”

And that’s insane, right? I see what Evie is trying to say. Four days with a man and I’m willing to maintain a long-distance relationship with him. If this were Evie, I’d try my best to convince her this was a terrible idea.

Because it is. A terrible idea. I must remember that. Remember, too, her wise words about a little time and distance will change everything. It will.

I’m sure of it.

“I miss you.” I’m lying in bed on a Friday night, and it’s only five-thirty. But I’m under the covers and naked, FaceTiming with Susanna, contemplating whipping out my dick so she can get a good look at what she’s missing.

It’s one-thirty in the morning where she’s at, and she’s actually in bed for real, her eyes puffy, her hair a mess, and I think she’s naked.

“I miss you too,” she says, sounding groggy. “I set an alarm so I’d wake up before you called.”

“You were sleeping?” I’d be pissed, having to wake up from a sound sleep just to talk to someone like me.

Maybe this is a sign that she actually cares?

“I wanted to actually see your face. This time difference is a killer.” She yawns, the sheet falling down a little bit, revealing the tops of her breasts.

My cock stirs, reminding me that it wants to make an appearance eventually.

“You gonna show me your tits?” I ask, scrubbing a hand over my face.

Her eyes go wide. “You say the crudest things.” The sheet falls completely and then there’s a bunch of rustling, the camera shifting away from her so I’m looking at her tiny bedside table. “Hold on,” she calls.

And then her chest fills my phone screen, her breasts filling the screen for a few seconds, giving me the perfect view. “What do you think?” she asks, her voice sounding distant, like she’s far away.

“I wish I could suck on them,” I say wistfully.

“Oh, Cannon.” She jerks the camera back to her face and she’s shaking her head, though she looks pleased. “You can’t just—say things like that.”

“Why not? I’m telling the truth. And that’s what you want to hear, right? Not a bunch of crappy lies.”

“I absolutely want to hear the truth,” she says, her voice soft. I stare at her pretty face, momentarily entranced. “How was practice today?”

We’ve been texting constantly since I arrived back in California, chatting whenever we can, and finally I had to plan a FaceTime date just so I can see her damn face. After spending so much time with Susanna, not having her around feels…weird. Like I’m missing a limb or something. And I’m not embarrassed to tell her I miss her either.