“Of course we will,” she says faintly, and I know she doesn’t believe me.

I turn to face her, cupping her cheeks in my hands, my gaze locking with hers. “I mean it. These last few days have been amazing. I promise I will never forget you.”

She laughs, but there’s no humor in the sound, and her eyes seem to glaze over with tears, though they never fall. “You talk like that and it sounds like you already have forgotten me.”

I say nothing. There’s nothing more to say. Maybe she’s right. And maybe it’s best if I do forget her. Let her go on with her life so I can also go on with mine.

Instead of saying all that, I dip my head and kiss her gently, my lips clinging to hers. “Don’t forget me,” I whisper when we finally break apart.

Another laugh escapes her, this one watery and full of emotion. “I could never.”

“Want to go with me to the airport?” I ask hopefully.

“Not a chance.” She says the words so quickly, I step away from her, startled. “I’m sorry, but I can’t stand the thought of waving goodbye to you at the airport and having to leave the place alone and…empty.”

“I can’t stand the thought of leaving you in this hotel room all alone,” I tell her, wishing she knew just how hard this entire situation is for me.

“Then let me make it easier on you.” Now it’s her turn to gather up her stuff, and she throws it all in that small duffel bag she brought, not bothering to make sure if any of her clothes are folded.

Funny, how being around her for only a few days, I already know that’s nothing like Susanna usually behaves.

“I’m going to leave first,” she tells me once she’s packed all of her belongings. Her smile is sunny bright, her eyes a little wild, her usually sleek hair curling around her face despite the ponytail. “Goodbye, Cannon. I’m so glad I got to meet you.”

I haul her into my arms before she does something crazy like

offer her hand for me to shake. She’s clinging to me again, her face pressed against my chest, and I rest my chin on top of her head, simply holding her for as long as I can.

Eventually, she pulls away, grabs hold of her duffel bag and purse, then makes her way to the door.

I’m frozen in place, watching her go, watching her walk right out of my life, and there’s this bossy ass voice in my head that sounds just like my high school football coach. It won’t stop yelling at me, saying things like,

Stop her!

Don’t let her go!

You’re just going to let her leave?

Chase after her!

Tell her to come to California with you!

I don’t say anything like that, and I don’t try and stop her either. For once in my life I’m trying to make the right and mature decision. Convincing this beautiful woman that she belongs to me is not the right choice. We both should move on.

We don’t really have any other choice but to move on.

She rests her hand on the door handle and hesitates, her back to me, and like an idiot hope rises in my chest, making my heart thump extra hard. What’s she gonna do? What’s she gonna say?

I wait in anticipation for her to speak.

She doesn’t. Glancing over her shoulder, she offers me a weak smile and a whispered goodbye, then opens the door and slips through it. It slams behind her with such force, I almost jump out of my skin.

Just like that, she’s gone.

I speed up my packing process, thankful I got a car arranged for me last night and it’ll be here in a few minutes. Once I have everything shoved into my suitcase, I’m out the door as well, riding down the elevator and letting the recent memories run through my brain like the most painful montage ever created.

I’ve had the best days of my life over the last few days, all because of a woman. A woman I’m leaving behind.

The elevator doors slide open less than a minute later, shoving me into reality. People mill about the lobby, there’s music playing and I hear horns honking on the street just outside the door. Wincing against the sudden noise and light, I stride through the cavernous lobby, keeping my head down so I won’t make eye contact with anyone, when I hear a familiar sweet voice call my name from behind me.