For Jordan.

“There are lots of things I want to share with you,” he finally says, his gaze never leaving mine. I could get lost in his beautiful blue eyes. Drown in them. Die in them.

Oh, I am feeling downright poetic right now. This is crazy.

“Like what?” I prop my chin on my fist again, sighing happily. I don’t want this moment to end. I feel like I’m having a dream. The best dream ever.

“I want to take you back and show you my townhouse. And eventually, my house in Sonoma,” he says in that velvety low voice of his. I swear, all he did was answer my question and his voice alone made my nipples hard.

“I would love to see your house in Sonoma,” I say breathlessly. “I’ve never been to Sonoma before.”

“It’s beautiful.” His mouth curves into this closed-lipped, lopsided smile. “You’re beautiful.”

My cheeks go hot and I blink away from his intense gaze, staring at the table. “Thank you.”

“You still have a hard time taking a compliment, Mandy?”

I lift my head, my gaze meeting his once more, defiance filling me. “No. Not anymore.”

“Really?” He sounds doubtful.

“Really,” I say firmly.

“So you won’t get embarrassed if I tell you that I can’t stop thinking about the fact that you’re completely naked beneath that dress?” Both his dark brows are up now, looking so ridiculously sexy I wish I could whip my phone out and capture a photo of him like this. So I can keep this moment tucked away forever in my camera roll.

“You like the fact that I’m completely naked beneath my dress, don’t you?” Ah, listen to me, being all flirtatious and daring. This is so unlike me.

“Truth?” I nod and he continues. “I fucking love the fact that you’re completely naked under that dress.”

I swallow hard at all the hunger I see in his eyes.

“And I’m dying to get you alone so I can take that dress off of you,” he continues, so very matter of fact. “But we have to wait.”

Whaaaaat? Why? “Why do we have to wait?” I press my legs together, fighting to calm the tingles between my thighs.

He smiles, but it’s tight, and his jaw is hard, like he’s barely containing himself. “It’s a secret.”

“A secret?” I am so, so curious.

“More like a surprise.”

“I love surprises.” I clap my hands together like a little girl and he actually laughs.

“You’ll definitely like this one.” His laughter fades, but that faint smile is still in place. “In fact, I need to go check on—things. I’ll be right back.”

He leaves the table and I watch him go, my gaze glued to his backside as he walks away. Damn, he is one fine looking specimen. How did I get so lucky to have this man come back into my life? What did I do to deserve this second chance? I could lie to myself and say this isn’t going to work, but I actually think it could.

Yes. I really think it could.

He’s gone for a few minutes and I reach into my purse, pulling my phone out to check my notifications. A couple of Instagram likes, one memory from Facebook today, plus Lena’s sent me three texts, all of them with plenty of exclamation points.

How’s your date with Jordan Tuttle??!!!!

Tell me what’s going on!!!!

OMG it must be good coz I haven’t heard from you!!!!!

Smiling, I type her a quick reply. So far it’s the perfect date.