“He—wouldn’t say. I was informed that he’s an old friend and you would understand when I told you he was from Paris.”

I leap off the couch, my phone falling from my lap to the floor. “Where is he? You didn’t let him into the apartment, did you?”

Jasper shakes his head. “I told him I needed to speak with you first.”

“And how exactly did you speak with him?” Panic grips me around the throat and I glance around the cavernous living room. The only other living thing I see is my cat.

“The man working the security desk called and wanted me to relay the message. What would you like me to tell him?”

Curiosity eats at me and I rest my hands on my hips, contemplating my options. I could ignore Seamus and he’ll keep coming around, making a nuisance of himself. Or I could go down to the lobby in front of all sorts of people—including security—in the middle of the afternoon and tell him once and for all that I’m not interested.


I’m a married woman. And I care about my husband. I’m Perry’s wife, and he’s the only one who matters in my life.

I’m certainly not going to cheat on him with Seamus.

I look at that relationship now for what it was. A crush that turned into something real, only for it to be built on nothing but lies. I was devastated, I was hurt, but I got over it.

Yes. I am completely over it.

“I’ll go down and meet with him,” I announce.

Jasper frowns. Doja meows in seeming protest—her timing is always impeccable. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

“There will be all sorts of people down there, right? Doormen and security and that one woman who sits at the front counter sometimes,” I tell Jasper.

He tilts his head to the side, imagining the scene, I assume. “Well, I suppose.”

“And it’ll only be a few minutes. What I have to say to him won’t take long. You’ll know where I’m at.”

“Should I go down with you?”

I shake my head. I won’t be able to act like a badass bitch in front of Jasper. He’ll make me feel self-conscious. “It’s not necessary.”

The look of doubt on the man’s face is obvious. “I don’t like the idea of you being down there by yourself with this man.”

“I’ll be all right. It’s just—an old flame who’s back in town,” I admit.

Jasper’s graying eyebrows shoot so high I swear they hit his hairline—and it’s receding. “Miss—”

“It’s okay,” I say, interrupting him. I’m sure he knows who I’m referring to. He’s known me forever. What other old flame could I possibly have? The man who ruined me supposedly forever in Paris.

Well, I’m not ruined anymore. I can stand on my own two feet and I’ve found a man who’s much more caring and thoughtful thanhecould ever be.

“I’ll be fine,” I continue, even as he stares at me, his gaze full of doubt. I lift my chin, going for an abundance of confidence. Most likely failing miserably. “Truly it will take only a couple minutes of my time. Call security downstairs. Have them keep an eye on me while I’m there.”

“I will,” Jasper says firmly, sounding bossy as hell. “I’d prefer to accompany you downstairs. I’m sure Mr. Constantine would prefer it too.”

Oh shit. Is he going to rat me out to Perry?

No. I can’t have that. But this conversation needs to happen. I need to tell Seamus to back off once and for all. And though I might regret going down there and talking to him—God knows what he might say—I know this is the right thing for me to do. For myself.

And my marriage.

“Please don’t mention this meeting to Perry, Jasper. I’ll tell him everything tonight when he comes home.” After we’ve had plenty of sex and he’s relaxed and more open minded. “He’ll just worry if you tell him about it now.”

Jasper makes a harumphing noise. He is not pleased. “I don’t like this idea.”