I frown at him. “Are you bored, Jasper? Not much to do around here for you?”

“No, I’m not bored.” He shakes his head, but I can tell he’s fibbing. “Would you care to see what I’ve trained Doja to do?”

Whatever distraction he can give me to forget about Seamus, I need it. “Please. I would love to.”

“You won’t get mad?”

“Why would I get mad?”

Doja follows Jasper everywhere he goes. He’s like her second owner. Plus, he feeds her more often than I do, which is always a draw for her. Her love and loyalty are led by her stomach. “She is your cat.”

“And she’s yours too. She adores you. Look at her.” My phone buzzes over and over with texts from Seamus but I ignore him. To give in gives him exactly what he wants.

My attention.

“Very well, then. I’ll show you.” Jasper disappears, Doja trotting after him and I pick up my phone with dread, checking my messages. They’re not all from Seamus, though most of them are.

Unknown number:You can’t ignore me forever. We should get together soon. I would love to catch up.

Unknown number:Don’t you ever think of me? Remember the good times we shared? There were plenty. Not everything was bad between us, Charlotte. Once upon a time, I do think you loved me.

I didn’t know what love was—I still don’t. It was a silly infatuation that bloomed into a full-blown affair that cost me the rest of my semester in Paris.

Only because I ran away like a child, but at the time, I still was one.

Me:There’s nothing for us to catch up on. I don’t want to see you, Seamus. Please leave me alone.

Unknown number:Tell me you love him and I will.

I don’t bother answering him. I block his number instead, then check my other text.

One from my husband.

Perry:I have a surprise for you.

My stomach flutters with excitement at that one simple sentence.

If I don’t watch it, I could completely and totally fall for this man. And I don’t mind the idea of it one bit.

Me:What is it?

Perry:If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise.

Me:Then why are you even bringing it up?

Perry:Because I need your cooperation. I want you to be ready for me at seven o’clock. I’ll pick you up in front of the building.

Seven is so far away. An eternity. I don’t know how I’ll wait that long.

Me:How should I dress?

Perry:What do you mean?

Me:Oh come on, my fashionable husband. What sort of outfit should I wear? Casual? Dressy?

Perry:Panties or no panties?

My entire body flushes hot.