The sour feeling in my stomach reminds me that I’m not thrilled by this. By any of it. “Jasper, I need a drink.”

Jasper’s expression never wavers. “Anything in particular, sir?”

Damn, I love this guy. It doesn’t matter if it’s not even ten in the morning—Jasper’s going to hook me up with an alcoholic beverage, no questions asked. “Some of that good scotch Lancaster left behind, I think.”

“Very fine choice, sir.” Jasper dips his head before he makes his way to the bar. Within a minute he’s standing in front of me once more, handing over the drink, which I accept with a gratefully muttered thanks.

I drain the glass of every last drop of golden liquid. It burns going down, settling in my stomach like fire and I hiss a breath in between my teeth. Jasper takes the glass without asking and pours me another.

Double this time.

I knock that one back too.

“Sir, I suggest you slow down.” Jasper snatches the empty glass from my fingers, right as my phone rings. I automatically answer it, not checking who was calling.

Big mistake.

“Where are you?” It’s my mother. Her voice is sharp and hushed. As if she doesn’t want anyone to know she’s on the phone with me. “Winston said he spoke to you almost thirty minutes ago yet you’re still not here!”

Oh fuck. I was supposed to go to the compound to get ready for the wedding with my brothers. My tuxedo and everything else that goes along with it are already there, waiting for me. “I’m on my way.”

“Hurry,” she snaps before she ends the call.

Damn. The dragon lady has arrived, and she’s breathing her fire all over me.

“I need to go, Jasper,” I announce as I rise from the couch, so quickly my head swims and I nearly stumble.

“Already leaving for the wedding? Don’t you need to get ready first?” Jasper asks, his tone even.

“I don’t have time.” I make my way to the door. I don’t bother telling him where I’m getting ready. He can figure it out, I’m sure. “I need to go.”

“Are you capable of driving, sir? After those two drinks?” Jasper lifts a brow.

I wave a hand. “I’ll be fine.”

“I’m assuming you haven’t eaten anything today yet?”

“That would be correct.” I snap my fingers and point at him. “Don’t give me any shit, Jasper. It’s my wedding day.”

He ignores my statement, his expression bland. I can never get a read on this guy. “And where is Miss Charlotte?”

“At the hotel. Getting ready with her mother.” I think of my beautiful wife, naked in that hotel bed, wearing only the earrings I gave her. My heart pangs and I shove the feeling aside.

My heart isn’t involved in this. Not at all.

“And you’re going…where?”

“Home. To Bishop’s Landing.”

Jasper frowns, taking a step backwards as I stride past him, heading for the door. “I thought the wedding was—”

“I’m getting ready with my family first. My brothers. A nice little bonding moment for us at the compound before we head over to the hotel where the ceremony’s being held. After that, there’s going to be a giant reception for like, over five hundred motherfuckers, where we can rub their faces into the fact that the Lancasters and the Constantines are now united. Maybe those Morellis will get the hint and finally back off. What do you think, Jasper? Do you know anything about your favorite Lancaster and a Morelli? Oh wait, he’s not a direct Morelli. His last name is McTiernan.”

I make a face, imagining what the fucker must look like. What he might mean to Charlotte. How she might never be able to forget him.

My chest aches and I rub at it absently, mentally telling myself to get over it.

Jasper’s frown deepens. “I can’t say that I do, no.”