“Plus, Mother is thrilled that someone is finally doing what she wants,” he continues. “You’re her favorite child. Her favorite son.”

I turn to glare at him. “No, I think you hold that title, since you’re the most like her. I’m just the one who was always the easiest to manipulate.”

My brother is quiet for a moment and I know I’ve hit the nail on the mother fuckin’ head.

“You’re angry,” he finally says.

I don’t even hesitate with my answer. “Fuck yeah I am.”

He exhales loudly, leaning back in his chair once more. “I’d love to keep up this chat and bash our mother’s life choices, but I have a call in less than five.”

I glance at my watch and see it’s almost nine thirty. “Sorry I was late.”

“You’re forgiven.”

“Sorry I barged in to your office.” Pains me to apologize since he was only gossiping with our baby sister.

“You’re forgiven for that as well. Look.” He steeples his fingers together, contemplating me. “We need a happy Perry in this office. The good-time guy who can convince anyone that everything is going to be all right. I forwarded you some emails earlier. I need you to make a few calls, smooth a few ruffled feathers. And this afternoon, I need you to get with your team and conduct some research.”

“On what?”

“The Lancaster business holdings. Where each one is based out of, who runs what, all of it. I want every filthy detail.”

“What if none of it is filthy?” I don’t know much about the Lancasters, but I haven’t heard anything about dirty dealings when it comes to them.

“Oh there’s some filth somewhere, I guarantee it.” Winston bares his teeth in a feral smile. “Tamp down that anger for now and put it to good use after lunch. I know you’ll find something.”

“Will do.” I start for his office door, hesitating before I pull it open. “Hey, Win.”


“Thanks for listening to me. No one else really ever does.”

I leave his office before my brother can even answer.

Chapter Fourteen


“Doja! Where inthe world are you?”

I’m wandering the rooms of my new penthouse, marveling at the size, at the view, at the enormous windows everywhere.

The moment Jasper and I arrived, I opened the door on the pet carrier and Doja shot out like a bullet, scurrying away. There is so much furniture for her to hide under, I don’t know if I’ll be able to find her.

“Shall I open a can of tuna for her?” Jasper asks me as I walk about the apartment, completely distressed.

“No, not yet. The little snot shouldn’t be rewarded for running away,” I tell him, thinking of myself.

When I went to Paris, I thought of it as a reward, even though I was going to school. I wanted to learn, to do something on my own, to be my own person, instead of that one Lancaster girl. For a short period of time, I did whatever I wanted and it was exhilarating. I met a man who was my instructor, and knowing he was interested in me was thrilling. I was young and dumb and completely infatuated. In love with life and everything that came with it. That first taste of freedom was delicious, and I went a little wild with it.

Maybe that’s Doja’s problem. She’s gone wild when presented with new options.

Hopefully she doesn’t pee on anything.


At least this is my family’s place, and not a Constantine apartment. I’d feel even weirder about spending time here, and I already feel weird enough. Thankfully Perry isn’t living with me at my parents’ place, and we’re not living with his mother in Bishop’s Landing.