“Stop trying to control every single move I make!”

Well, the explosion came out ofme.

I’m done with this.

Done with my mother controlling me.

Done with living under her thumb.

Done with trying to make her happy all the damn time.

It’s someone else’s turn.

I need to take care of me.

And my wife.

She doesn’t say a word as I finish gathering my things, which I end up doing blindly. I just grab a bunch of shirts and pants off the hangers in my closet and bring them to the suitcase, dumping them inside. Then I slam the lid shut and do up the zipper, not even bothering to fold anything. When I turn to face her, I’m breathing heavily, my blood hot, my hands clenched into fists.

“I’m leaving,” I bite out.

Mother nods, remaining quiet.

I grab my suitcase and head for the door, appreciating that she at least steps to the side as I walk past her.


I make itto Halcyon headquarters a little over an hour late. The moment I’m on the executive floor I head for Winston’s office, ignoring his secretary as she rises to her feet.

“Wait a minute, Mr. Constantine. Your brother is on the phone,” she protests.

“I can’t wait,” I tell her as I push open the door and barrel into his office, slamming the door behind me.

The look on my big brother’s face would slay me dead if it could. He covers the phone he’s holding to his face and mouths, “What the fuck do you want?”

Ignoring him, I settle myself into one of the chairs that faces his desk, pulling out my phone and checking my text messages. I have a few from business associates. One from the reception caterer with a request for her deposit.

I forward that one to Mother without an accompanying text explaining myself. She’ll get it.

There’s another message from a phone number I don’t recognize. I open the text thread, my head starting to pound when I see what the first text says.

Unknown number:Hear you’re marrying the Lancaster slut.

I frown, staring at the words, reading them over and over.

What the fuck?

Me:Who the hell is this?

Unknown number:Good luck with that one. She’s hard to control and a bit of a screamer. Nothing a fat dick in her mouth won’t fix.

I see red. I’m so fucking mad my hands are shaking.

Without thought I hit the number and listen to it ring. It goes straight to voicemail, the automated voice telling me the person isn’t available.

Damn it.

“Who the fuck do you think you are, barging into my office like that unannounced?” Winston barks the moment he’s off the phone.