“Jensen.” All he says is my name, and hearing his deep voice, seeing him standing in front of me looking so fucking miserable, makes my heart ache.
I glance down at the crumpled magazine in my hands and toss it on the chair next to me. “You found me.”
“I need to talk to you. Explain some things.” He scratches his forehead, tunnels his fingers through his hair. He looks unkempt, even a little sloppy, words I would never use to describe Rhett. It’s like the guilt and the worry over me, over us, has put him through complete torture.
In the past, the old me would’ve thought this was great. I would’ve thought he deserved it. Instead, now I realize I’m just as miserable as he looks.
“You want to talk now?” Please say no, please say no.
“Definitely. If you’ll listen to me.”
Damn it.
I point to the chair next to me and he enters the room, scooting the chair a few feet away from me before he settles into it. I realize I have to do everything Savannah told me to do. I need to woman up, grow some courage, and tell him the truth. Pray to God and anyone else who’s listening that he won’t hate me when he finds out my real story.
“You look…” His gaze searches my face eagerly, and I decide to put him out of his misery.
“Terrible,” I finish for him, making him smile faintly. “If you told me I look good, I would’ve called you a liar.”
“I’m just glad you’re here. Sitting with me.” He looks ready to grab my hands, but he doesn’t. “There’s so much I need to tell you.”
“Like what?” I can feel his warmth, his strength. We’re not even touching, but I can feel it all. I want more of him. I want all of him.
I probably want too much.
“I planned on telling you about my uncle. It was just—so shocking when you said you saw Greg in my dad’s house, and I realized pretty quick who you were referring to. I just didn’t want to believe it,” Rhett explains. “It hurt me, to think my uncle was capable of something so terrible. And for a while there, I didn’t believe you, because you’ve lied to me before.”
The last part hurts, but I also understand. I did lie to him. A lot. I deserve him not fully trusting me.
“Uncle Craig was going to my dad’s for Thanksgiving, but he cancelled at the last minute. Said he made other plans.” Rhett’s gaze meets mine before it flicks away. “I was so relieved, but I knew I would still have to tell you eventually. I planned on mentioning it right before Christmas.”
“You would’ve strung it out that long?” I ask incredulously.
He throws his hands up in frustration. “I didn’t know how else to handle it. My plan was to talk to him, find out the truth, and then tell you that Greg was really Craig, my uncle. I realize now my plan made no sense. I should’ve just told you who he really was from the beginning.”
Yes. He should’ve.
“Then he had to show up at my house and ruin the everything. And that made me realize I was the one who really ruined it all. I should’ve been open with you from the start.”
I’m quiet, absorbing everything he said, turning it over in my head. There’s only one thing bothering me about this story. “Did he tell you why he did it? Why he attacked me?”
“He claimed he was sent there by…Diane. That she kept tabs on me and Park, and she didn’t want me involved with a gold digger who’s only out for my money.” Rhett exhales loudly. “He also said they wanted to protect the family name, and they didn’t want me to ruin it by getting involved with a stripper.”
“God, I wasn’t even a stripper,” I mutter irritably, making Rhett smile. Probably because that’s the only thing I can focus on. “So Diane sent your uncle here to, what? Threaten me?”
“He claims he was only supposed to scare you a little bit. And convince you to leave me alone,” Rhett says.
“Yeah, he scared me all right. If I hadn’t fought him off, he would’ve raped me. I know he would’ve.” The memory still makes me sick to my stomach.
“And I’m sorry for that. I’m so sorry, Jensen. I wish I could take back what my uncle did to you. I’d do anything to make it so that never happened, and you never had to suffer by his hands.” His earnest tone tells me he’s sincere.
“My dad came to talk to me today,” he continues. “I told him about Park and Diane.”
I jerk my head so I’m facing him. “You did?”
He nods. “Turns out Diane was having an affair with my uncle too.”
“Are you serious?” Oh my God.