Park actually scoffs. “Please. My little brother has been jealous of me since the day he was born. I don’t need to make him feel that emotion. He experiences it every single day with everything I do.”

I doubt that. Rhett’s never given me even a hint of jealousy when he speaks of his brother. “Then what’s the point? There must be something driving you to do this.”

“There’s nothing going on, beyond me being in search of a qualified assistant. And you just so happen to top the list,” Park says easily, mimicking my position by crossing his arms.

“My topless waitressing skills are what sent me over the top of the qualified list, am I right?” I arch a brow, and he actually has the decency to appear momentarily chastised. “You know I don’t have an office or assistant experience.”

“Fine. You want to know the truth?” He drops his arms to his sides and comes closer, his mouth curved in a barely-there smile, the scent of his expensive cologne tickling my senses. He reminds me of Rhett, but older looking. No, harder looking. Like he has a lot more distrust for people than his brother does. As if he’s been wronged one too many times and he’s not going to let his guard down anymore.

“I would love to know the truth,” I tell him, lifting my chin a little bit, going for strong, fearless woman. Really, I’m quaking inside, my stomach a jumble of twisted nerves.

“You look like a girl who knows how to keep a secret,” he murmurs, reaching out to touch just beneath my chin with his index finger. He strokes me there, a feather-light touch that’s there and gone in a matter of seconds, his hand falling away from me. “In fact, I’d bet you keep lots of secrets.”

I try my best not to visibly tremble. It’s like he knows.

Does he, though?

When I say nothing, he continues, “I need someone by my side who’s discreet. Who can keep her mouth shut. Someone who’ll work hard for me, who’ll help me grow this business since my asshole father won’t give me his. Even though I’m the one who’s worked more than he has for the last five fucking years.”

I’m shocked by the venom in his tone. Blinking up at him, I try to comprehend what he’s saying. “So you’re starting a business without your father knowing about it?”

Park clamps his lips shut so tightly, they practically disappear. “I won’t talk about it with you any further unless you sign a NDA.”

I frown. “Sign a what?”

“A nondisclosure agreement. I h

ave to ensure your silence before I can say anything else.” He strides toward the desk, glancing over his shoulder so his gaze meets mine. “Come with me.”

I follow after him as if I have no control of myself, stopping just in front of his desk. He hands me a piece of paper and I glance at it. There’s a lot of writing, a bunch of legalese that I don’t really understand, along with two blank lines at the bottom of the page for us both to sign.

“Before this interview can continue, I need you to sign this,” Park says solemnly.

I squint at the paper, wishing I could understand it. I mean, I’m not a total idiot, but I don’t like reading when I’m under pressure. I don’t like doing anything under pressure. It’s not cool. Not at all.

“I can’t sign your NDA,” I finally say, lifting my gaze to Park’s.

The irritation on his face is obvious. “Why not?”

“I don’t think I want to continue with this interview.” When he tilts his head, I realize he’s going to make me say it. “I don’t want to work for you, Park. Not like this.”

“Not like what? I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.”

“I don’t want to sneak around without your dad knowing.” I can’t believe I’m saying this. “It doesn’t feel right.”

Park grabs another piece of paper from the desk and hands it to me. “This is what your salary would be if you came to work for me, along with a list of benefits the position at MP Industries would provide.”

My eyes nearly bug out of my head when I see the total at the bottom of the piece of paper. He wants to pay me over one hundred grand a year to be his assistant? Is he out of his freaking mind?

“It’s a very competitive salary,” he adds, like he hasn’t just blown my mind.

“Are you for real right now?” I ask, my head spinning at the thought of all the money I could make. It might suck, having to deal with Park on a daily basis, but for over one hundred thousand dollars a year, I could put up with a lot of shit with a big ol’ smile on my face. It goes without saying that this is way better money that I could ever make at City Lights. Hell, at any potential job I might consider.

I’m not qualified for the job, though. Claiming he wants me to work for him because of my secret-keeping skills? That’s not enough. He has another motive. I just haven’t figured it out yet.

“Come on, Jensen. You know you want the position. Just say yes, sign the NDA, and the job is yours.” He smiles, a flash of blinding white teeth, his brows lifted expectantly.

I glance around the mostly empty room, tucking my hair behind my ear. I’m apprehensive, yet tempted, and he knows it.