Her words infuriate me. Only because she’s probably not far off with her assessment. Describing a life that I don’t want but will probably end up having, because that’s what happens. You try and try to fight against your destiny and you still end up just like your dad.

“You think you’ve got me all figured out,” I say, my voice cold.

“I know I do. I can see it in your eyes. And you’re pissed because you know I’m right. I nailed it. I nailed you.” She climbs onto the bed, crawling along the length of my body until she’s settled in my lap, her legs wrapped around me, the comforter the only thing between us. She slings her arms around my neck while I remain stiff. Unmoving.

Well. The only thing moving currently is my dick. It tends to do that whenever she gets close.

“You say and do this shit to push me away,” I tell her.

“Is it working?” She smiles, but there’s no emotion behind it. I spot the tiny flicker of pain in her gaze, but then it’s gone. Blinked away, like it was never there in the first place.

“No.” I touch her breasts, my thumbs brushing her nipples, and she bites her lip, trying her best to contain her reaction, I can tell. “You’re not a rebellious stage, Jens.”

“Mmm, lies are much prettier when you tell them, Rhett,” she murmurs just before she leans in and kisses me. Her lips are plump and soft, her body warm and pliant as she melts into me, and we kiss like this for long, tongues tangled minutes. Until I’m shoving away the comforter and pushing my cock inside her and she’s riding me, all her rude words forgotten, both of us chasing after that orgasm until we finally find it.

We’re chasing after each other too. And our fucked up emotions.

But we never seem to find those.


“Let’s go out of town for Thanksgiving. Just the two of us.”

I chance a quick glance at Savannah, who’s sitting next to me on her couch in complete silence, listening in on my conversation with Rhett. He called only a few minutes ago and I immediately put him on speaker, never letting him know that Savannah is in the same room with me.

Why I’m doing this, I’m not sure. To show her what a fake asshole he is? Though he’s not. Most of the time, he’s so genuine, so sweet he makes my teeth freaking hurt. But I keep thinking maybe I’m getting played. Maybe I’m in a sex-induced haze and all I care about is the next time I can get Rhett naked, when really he might be the one who’s set on destroying me.

Yeah, right. I’m totally fooling myself.

“I don’t know…” My voice drifts and I stare at my phone, unsure of how to answer him. I don’t want him to whisk me away on a special holiday vacation so he can make me feel special. I’m trying to distance myself from him. I’ve been trying to do that for a while, ever since I realized I can’t go through with my original plan.

Yet that never seems to work. Just last night I said all sorts of horrible things about him right after we had sex, to his face, yet he still wanted to be with me. We had sex again after I totally insulted him. What’s wrong with this guy?

The bigger question is: what’s wrong with me? Why do I keep trying to sabotage us? Why won’t I let this happen?

Oh, maybe because I’ve told him a pack of lies since the moment we met and I don’t want to get caught? Yeah, that’s probably it. The longer I stay with him, the more it’s going to hurt. The lies will be revealed. I can never doubt that. And once they are, he’ll hate me forever. I can’t stand the thought.

This is why I should bail. Now.

“Come on. It’ll be fun. We’ll go somewhere, maybe on the coast. Get a hotel room with a giant bed and never leave it.” He chuckles, the sound extra sexy for some reason, and I immediately take the phone off speaker and hold it up to my ear. “I want to be alone with you,” I hear him say.

My face flushes hot and I hope Savannah doesn’t notice. “You’re always alone with me.”

“What I really mean is, I don’t want to spend Thanksgiving with my family.” He lowers his voice. “I want to show my thanks to you.”

I laugh. I can’t help it. He’s flirting with me and being cute, and when he’s like this I don’t feel like I’m being played. I start imagining he actually cares for me. “Your dad asked you to come over for Thanksgiving dinner. He even invited me.”

That still blows my mind, that I have Daddy’s approval. I thought Parker Montgomery was a mean asshole, but I guess I was wrong about that too.

“I don’t want to go there,” Rhett says, his tone final.

“Why not?” I’m genuinely confused by his behavior.

He hesitates, and I almost wonder if he’s scrambling for a reason. “I’m pissed at my brother.”

“So? I bet you’re always pissed at your brother. Plus, Addie will be disappointed if you don’t show up.” Not that I really want to go. I don’t want to deal with my—mother. God, it’s so difficult to think of Diane as the one who actually gave birth to me. And really, why would I want to be with the very woman who so carelessly left me behind? Who still treats me like absolute shit, not that she knows who I really am.

“She’ll live,” Rhett reassures me. “I’ll make her a deal and we’ll spend Christmas with the fam.”