He’s rich. Handsome. He’ll be successful, just like his father. It’s in their blood. If you play it right, he’ll take care of you for the rest of your life. You’ll be fine.” She says this with total assuredness.

“Does that make you feel better? Knowing that I have Rhett? That he’ll take care of me?” I ask. What a messed up way to think. Does she really feel justified in abandoning me when I was a baby, but now everything’s okay because I have a super-hot, rich boyfriend who’ll take care of me?

“Yes. Of course it makes me feel better. Just make sure of one thing.” She leans in, as if we have a close relationship and she’s about to share a bit of advice with me. “Never return any gift he gives you. Keep any cash he gives you too. Stow it away, just in case. And if you marry, make sure you have a solid prenuptial agreement, one where you get everything you deserve, which, by the way, is half. I’d suggest no prenup at all, but this is the Montgomerys we’re dealing with, so that won’t happen. Just—no matter what, guard your assets.”

Her advice could be taken as somewhat caring, but really? When it comes down to it? It’s all about the money. Everything’s a business deal to this woman. There’s no emotion, no love, no hate, no nothing. I almost feel sorry for her.


She feels nothing. And being with her, talking with her, is making me feel nothing too. It’s like my anger has disappeared.

“I’ll let you get back to whatever it is you’re doing,” I tell her as I start walking toward the stairs. I’m halfway down before I hear her voice.

“Wait a minute.”

I stop and turn to look up at her. She’s standing at the top of the staircase, her eyebrows furrowed, like I’ve totally confused her. “Is that all you wanted to say?” she asks.

I think about it for a moment, but nothing comes to me. There’s nothing left to say. “Yes.”

Diane makes a face. “Really? No raging confrontation or plans of revenge?”

Just thinking about my earlier rage and revenge plans leaves me mentally exhausted. “I’m over it.”

“Over it?” She raises a brow.

“How can I care when you so clearly don’t?” I wave a dismissive hand at her, at a total loss for words.

Seems like Diane is too. She says nothing. Doesn’t stop me from leaving. Doesn’t throw anything at me. We’re just…


I turn and make my way down the rest of the stairs, stopping in the foyer to look back up one more time, secretly hoping she’s still standing there. Watching me.

But no. She’s gone. Probably in her giant walk-in closet rifling through her expensive belongings, our conversation already forgotten.

She doesn’t care. She never has. She’s selfish, only worried about her next move, concerned about who’s going to take care of her, never thinking of anyone else. That’s the realization I had only a moment ago. My mother doesn’t care about me, but I shouldn’t take it personally. She doesn’t care about anyone.

Only herself.

I leave the house without a backward glance, quietly pulling the door shut. I walk down the driveway, headed for Savannah’s car, which is parked a few blocks down the street. My footsteps are light, my mind clear. I glance up at the blue sky, smiling when the warmth of the sun caresses my face, and I actually laugh.

For once in my life I’m full of joy. It’s a strange feeling, one I’m not used to. It’s like those oppressive emotions I’ve carried with me all these years have evaporated into thin air. I’m finally free.



Six months later

“Fuck me, this is the life.”

I take the straw hat off my head and smack Rhett with it. He lets loose a soft “ow” and rubs his arm, glaring at me. We’re sitting out by the pool, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore nearby, the breeze rustling the fronds of the giant palm trees that loom above us.

He’s right. This is definitely the life.

“Don’t talk like that,” I chastise. “There are little children nearby.”

The “little children” are Addie and Trent, who accompanied us to Maui. We’re staying in a gorgeous vacation home not far from Makena Beach for the next two weeks, thanks to an old family friend of the Montgomerys. Rhett’s family has a vacation home in the Caribbean, so the two families like to trade a lot.