“She mentioned her mother ran out on them when she was little,” I explain. “She said she doesn’t even remember her.”

“Well, I assume she knows who her mother is, and that’s why she came into our lives,” Dad says irritably.

Now I’m just confused. “What are you talking about?”

“Rhett.” He levels his gaze on me, his expression serious. Too serious. “Jennifer, I mean Jensen…her mother is Diane. My wife. Your stepmother.”

I blink, trying to comprehend what my father just told me. Diane is Jensen’s mother? It’s hard to believe, difficult to wrap my head around.

Yet if I’m being honest with myself, it’s…


Memories swarm me. The things Jensen would say, how evasive she was, how she worried over what she had to tell me and how it could ruin our relationship forever. I don’t know how many times I’d reassure her that my feelings for her wouldn’t change. That she could tell me anything and I’d understand.

If she originally got with me to get to Diane, did her feelings change as we became closer? These last few weeks together—minus a few mishaps—she’s been so genuine. Sweet. Thoughtful. Into me—totally into me. And I am totally into her.

Was that all a lie?

Jensen was very conscious of Diane’s behavior toward her. How nervous she would always get while in Diane’s presence. It truly bothered her, how Diane would ignore her or treat her so terribly. She alwa

ys worried about Diane, and I never understood it.

It all makes perfect sense.

“I’m guessing Jensen contacted you in order to get close to her mother. I assume she had ulterior motives, though I’m not exactly sure what she thought she would do once she became close to you and the rest of the family.” Dad peers at me with his hawk-like gaze. “Did you really trust this girl, Rhett? Tell her things you probably shouldn’t have? Have you ever left her alone in your house?”

“Why do you ask that? Of course I trusted her.” Most of the time. God, I feel like an asshole for thinking that, even after everything Dad just told me. “I’ve left her in my house alone more than once, yeah.”

“She could’ve searched through your private things, trying to dig up information.” Dad sighs heavily. “I haven’t told Diane any of this yet.”

“Seriously?” I find that hard to believe.

Dad nods, his expression solemn. “I wanted you to know first.”

“But Dad—she’s Diane’s daughter.” Jesus, which means Jensen is my stepsister and that’s just…

All sorts of fucked up.

“A daughter she abandoned when the girl was just a baby and never saw again. A daughter she never once mentioned to me in all the years we’ve been married. What sort of mother does that to her child?” He sounds disgusted and secretly, I’m relieved. I was worried he’d be on Diane’s side and believe Jensen was out to get us all.

Maybe that’s not the case. Maybe this is all a total coincidence…

Yeah, no. This was planned somehow. But what was Jensen’s motive?

“Where is Jensen right now?” Dad asks, his question pushing me out of my thoughts.

“I have no idea where she’s at.”

“Do you think she’s going to use your car as some sort of leverage to find out information about Diane? Because if that’s the case, she can have the damn car. I’ll get you another one,” Dad says bitterly.

“Trust me, that’s not her plan.” I can’t imagine her holding my car for ransom or whatever. That’s crazy talk. “She would never do that.”

“You don’t know this girl, Rhett. You might think you do, but how long have you two been together, hmm? A few months, tops? She can tell you whatever she wants you to hear and you’ll believe it. I know, because I see just how enamored you are with that girl. She could tell you clouds are made of pink cotton candy and you’d totally believe her, as long as she still sleeps with you every night.”

“Jesus, Dad.” I scrub a hand over my face. I hate it when he talks like this.

“What? It’s true! Not that I don’t have any faith in you, son, because I do. I sometimes think you might be the more capable son of the two, but I also know both of you are just like me. Always led by your dick.” He waves a dismissive hand when he sees my grimace. “I’m just watching out for you. This girl is most likely after our money and hell-bent on revenge. You need to cut her off. Now.”