“I’m sure it’s not like that.” His tone is mocking and he has the nerve to laugh. “She’s playing you so hard, Rhett. Can’t you see? Or are you too blinded from all the good pussy you’re getting day and night?”

I hit him. It’s like an automatic reflex. I let go of his shirt, sling my arm back, and punch him square in the nose, so hard I hear the bones crunch beneath my fist. He doubles over, his hands covering his face, cursing loudly while I just stand there, my knuckles radiating with pain, my entire body vibrating with rage.

“Get the fuck out of my house,” I tell him, my teeth clenched as tight as my fists. I’ll hit him again if he doesn’t leave.

“You’re really going to choose your whore over your family?” he asks incredulously, staring up at me. Blood streams from his nose and I don’t feel one ounce of sympathy for him. The fucker asked for it.

“Get out.” I don’t bother answering his question. What’s the point? Besides, my father actually likes Jensen. Maybe.

Maybe my entire family has me fooled.

I stay in the open doorway as I watch my uncle head toward his fancy fucking car,

his face covered in blood. I don’t bother offering him a towel. I don’t offer him anything.

I just want him gone.

“What the hell just happened?” Chad’s voice startles me, and I shut and lock the door before I turn to face him. “You always told me your uncle was so cool.”

“Not anymore,” I say bitterly, pulling my phone out of my pocket. No notifications.

No surprise.

“Did Jensen take your car?” Chad shakes his head. “You don’t let anyone drive that damn thing.”

“Yeah, well, she does,” I mutter, staring at my phone screen. I should call her. But she won’t pick up. And I don’t want to distract her while she’s driving. What if she’s so upset, she wrecks? I don’t give a shit about the car.

I care about her.

“I was watching from the window, Rhett. You freaking punched your uncle in the face.” He sounds downright giddy. “Isn’t your dad going to be super pissed you did that?”

“I really don’t give a damn.”

Chad whistles. “Talk about family drama.”

I don’t bother answering him.

He’s summed up my problems in exactly four words.


We need to talk.

I’m not surprised when I find the text from my father the next morning. I’m sure Uncle Craig ratted me out as fast as possible, the asshole. It’s already close to noon and I slept through my first class since I was awake most of the night, unable to sleep, trying to reach Jensen. But she didn’t respond to any of my calls or texts. No surprise. We’ve played this game before.

Only this time, she has my freaking car. Not that I really care. I just want to make sure she’s all right. I’m actually thankful there’s something still connecting us beyond the feelings I have for her. Bringing back the BMW is the perfect excuse to see her.

I’m sure she’ll figure out a way to give me back the car and never see me again. She’s good at that. Avoiding people.

Real good at it.

I decide I better respond to Dad before he starts blowing up my phone.

Want me to call you?

He replies immediately. I want to talk to you in person at my office.

Shit. That is the last thing I want to do.