I don’t know how he drank three beers in the short amount of time we’ve been here. “I’m definitely driving. Come on, drunk boy.”

We say our go

odbyes, and then I take his hand and lead him out of the bar and into the cold, dark night. We head for his car, Rhett trying to grab my ass with his free hand and I keep slapping it away. By the time we’re both in his car, we’re breathless. And he’s handsy.

I let him get handsy with me as we lean across the center console and kiss. He touches me everywhere he can reach, his fingers sure, his breath hot against my neck when he kisses me there. We’re steaming up the car and frustration starts to build.

“We could be at your house in less than fifteen minutes,” I remind him in between kisses.

He smiles against my lips. “Then what are we waiting for?”

“I should ask that question, since you’re the one who can’t seem to stop kissing me.”

“I don’t hear you protesting.”

Like he ever would.

Rhett kisses me again, this one long and tongue-filled. He’s getting worked up, and so am I. I push him away and start the engine, readjusting the seat and the mirrors before I pull out of the bar’s parking lot.

I drive back to Rhett’s house, both of us quiet, me concentrating on the road, Rhett scrolling on his phone, checking his notifications. My mind drifts, imagining a life like this, with Rhett. The two of us together, living in our own home, Rhett taking care of me. He could go to work doing whatever while I stayed home and took care of the house. Maybe we could travel. Maybe we could move somewhere else, somewhere exotic, and live our own lives with no one around to bother us. Like Diane…

There’s an unfamiliar car in the driveway and I hit the brakes, making Rhett’s head jerk up. “Who’s car is that?” I ask.

“I don’t know.” He’s frowning. “That’s a brand-new Porsche.”

It’s low and black and sleek, and looks very, very expensive. “Chad has a new rich girlfriend he didn’t tell you about?”

Rhett chuckles. “He freaking wishes.”

Since that gorgeous Porsche is blocking the garage, I pull the car to the curb in front of the house and shut off the engine. We exit the car, me locking it with the keyless remote, and Rhett takes my hand as he leads me to the front door since the garage is closed and I forgot to open it. The living room light is on—we can see the glow through the front window—so I’m assuming Chad is inside.

Hopefully he’s not “entertaining” some girl, AKA the two of them writhing around, naked on the couch. That is the absolute last thing I want to walk in on.

Rhett tries the handle to find it unlocked, and he opens the door, leading me inside. The couch doesn’t face the door, and I can see the back of two heads sitting there, both male, one of them Chad’s. He whips his head around when he hears the door opening, a giant grin on his face when he spots us.

“Hey, Rhett, your uncle’s here. We’ve been hanging out.”

Rhett goes completely still, his fingers curling around mine so tightly it starts to hurt.

The man turns his head to smile at us, and it’s like everything goes in slow motion, though I know it happened in a matter of seconds.

I know this man.

This man Chad said is Rhett’s uncle is the same man who attacked me at City Lights.

It’s Greg.


Shit. Fuck. I hold onto Jensen’s hand, trying to keep her in place because…I don’t know. I want to explain myself, but how? I kept this from her because I didn’t know how to tell her and I fucked everything up.

She slips her hand from mine and raises it to her face, covering her mouth, her eyes wide open in shock. “It’s—it’s him.”

Uncle Craig just sits there, his eyes a little wide, like he can’t believe he just got caught, but that surprised look disappears in an instant and smooth, friendly Uncle Craig is back in place. He stands, making like he’s going to approach Jensen.

“Please. Let me explain myself,” he starts, but Jensen cuts him off.

“Shut up!” She’s at the door, throwing it open, but then she turns to look at me, and all the hurt and misery and anger is there, swirling in her eyes, written all over her face. “You knew, didn’t you? You knew all along, yet you didn’t tell me”