A sigh almost escapes me as I watch them. That’s what’s so great about Rhett. He makes people feel special. When he shines his light on you, you feel like there’s no one else in the world. There’s just you and Rhett.

At least, that’s how he makes me feel.

Minutes later he’s back by my side, slipping his arm around my shoulders and tugging me close. I go willingly, resting my hand lightly on his flat stomach, smiling up at him with adoring eyes. I don’t even need a mirror to know that’s how I’m looking at him. I can literally feel the adoration beaming from my eyeballs. I am so gone over this guy, it’s unbelievable. It happened so fast, too.

What’s even crazier? I viewed him as my enemy for the longest time. Thought he was awful. A snake. A phony. A womanizer. A spoiled rich boy who gets whatever he wants.

Well. He’s rich. He’s probably a little spoiled, though he’s the first one to admit it. He’s the most genuine, honest person I know. He’s the complete opposite of awful. And he’s all mine.

“Having fun?” he asks, dipping his head so his mouth is right by my ear.

I offer a little shrug. “I don’t know anyone.”

His eyes go wide. “I’m sorry, I didn’t even introduce you to everyone. Hold on.” He raises his hand like he wants their attention and I grab at his arm, pulling it down. “What? You don’t want to meet them?”

“You don’t need to do that for me.” I’m still not used to drawing attention to ourselves. I’d rather lurk in the shadows. My relationship with Rhett still feels too new, too delicate. Like one wrong word or movement could have the entire thing unraveling in seconds.

“But I want to.” He taps the tip of my nose with his index finger, his eyes sparkling as they meet mine. “I want to show you off.”

“Please.” I roll my eyes and laugh, but the sincerity I see in his expression makes me sober up quick. “Why would you want to show me off?”

Rhett lifts his brows, leaning away from me. “Are you being serious right now?”

“Um, yes.” I’d rather show him off. He’s the big deal, not me. “I don’t get it.”

“Hmm, let me see.” He taps his chin, like he’s contemplating something very serious. “First up, you’re sweet. Second, you’re beautiful. Third, you’re smart. Fourth, you’re interesting—”

“Interesting?” I repeat, interrupting him.

“Let’s just say life with you is never dull,” he says with a grin.

I lightly sock him in the chest. “Right back at ya.”

We drink our beer and talk and flirt. He introduces me to Johnny and eventually the rest of his teammates, and they’re all friendly, a few of them even shooting Rhett appreciative looks, like they’re somehow impressed with me? Just because I have a decent face doesn’t mean I’m a decent catch. I realized that about myself a long time ago.

Rhett brings out the best in me. He makes me want to be a better person. I want to be good for him, and for myself. I’ve turned into a total and complete sap, but it’s true.

“Let’s get out of here,” he whispers later, his arm around my waist, his fingers squeezing me. “I want to take you home.”

A shiver moves through me at the promise in his words. “You’re not drunk, are you?”

“Hell no. Even if I was, you could drive. You’ve barely touched your beer. Hey, remember that night I let you drive my car?” The private look he shoots me makes everything inside of me grow warm.

“Yes, I remember.”

His knowing smile is cute. Cutely sexy. “You said some pretty amazing shit.”

I laugh, my cheeks hot.

“You did some pretty amazing shit too.” He pulls me to him, our lower bodies crushed together, and I can feel the effect I’m having on him. “Maybe we should try and reenact that night.”

“I was sort of pissed at you that night,” I remind him.

“Yeah, well, I was mad too. But I’m not mad anymore.” He kisses me, right there in the middle of his friend group in the bar, and he takes it deep quick. His friends start yelling, one of them saying, “Get a room!” and I break the kiss, shoving him away from me.

“How many beers did you have?” I think he’s a little drunk.

His lopsided smile tells me yep, he’s feeling no pain. “Three? Plus I had one at dinner.”