My mouth slowly drops open as I comprehend exactly what he’s saying. And he’s saying what I think he’s saying…right? Or maybe he’s not.

Yeah. No way is he talking about that.

“What were they doing exactly?” I ask for clarification. I can’t assume anything. I don’t want to assume anything.

He makes a face, clearly uncomfortable. “They were, uh, in each other’s arms. Kissing.”

“What?” Yikes. I clamp my lips shut, embarrassed. That came out louder than I meant it to.

“I know, I know. It’s crazy, right?” He stares out the windshield at his house. “I couldn’t believe what I was seeing when I found them. It felt like a dream—or more like a nightmare. Diane saw me first, and she literally screamed my name, so I know I shocked her as much as they shocked me.”

This is unbelievable news. Like I can barely wrap my head around it type news. “Did you confront them?”

“Not really. I took off and Park chased after me, full of excuses.”

“So how did he explain their—affair?”

“He tried to make excuses, but it felt so fake. I sincerely believe they never thought they’d get caught.” Rhett shakes his head, his expression pained. “I met Park for lunch a couple days later and he gave me all the dirty details, trying to convince me that what they’re doing isn’t that bad, I suppose, but I don’t understand. I don’t think I’ll ever understand. She’s our stepmom—she’s been in our lives since we were little kids. It’s all so fucking weird and twisted, and I don’t think they realize what the consequences will be when they get caught by my father or someone who will rat them out. It’s going to blow up in their faces.”

I keep silent. What I should confess to Rhett is fucking weird and twisted, let’s be real, so I have no room to talk or judge.

“You really think it’s the right thing to do, though? To keep it a secret from your father?” I ask, knowing I need to tread lightly. I can’t tell Rhett what to do or how to think, but I do want to point out that maybe it would be to his advantage, telling his dad that the missus and his oldest son are involved with each other in a scandalous affair. Parker Montgomery could be the one who boots Diane from the family and strips her of her money and status. Meaning I wouldn’t need to do or say a damn thing about my connection to her.

The more I think about it, the better that sounds.

“I don’t know if he’d believe me. He’d probably call me a liar,” Rhett admits, sounding sad. “I don’t want him angry with me. Then Park and Diane will be mad at me too, and it turns into a total shit show. That’s the last thing I want.”

“You really think your father would be angry with you? You’re not the son who’s sleeping with his wife,” I point out.

“Yeah, but Dad is getting ready to hand Park the reins to his business so he can eventually retire.”

I raise a brow. “The same business Park wants to sabotage by starting his own competing business. Remember?”

Rhett scrubs a hand over his face, suddenly looking exhausted. “This is so freaking messed up.”

I want to comfort him, but I also want to stick with the idea that he should tell his father about Park and Diane. It would be so much easier for it all to go down this way. I wouldn’t get my hands dirty.

Diane and Park would’ve done it all to themselves.

“Park made me swear I wouldn’t tell you about their relationship either. He said we don’t really know you well enough yet, so how can we trust you?” Rhett exhales slowly, like he feels bad admitting that. He probably does, too. He has a heart of gold. He rarely wants to hurt my feelings, though he has no problem being brutally honest with me. He’s been almost too brutally honest with me lately. He confuses me.

Which means we’re most likely on equal footing, since I’m pretty sure I confuse him too.

When I still haven’t said anything, he keeps talking. “Despite everything, I want to trust you, Jens. I want to be a

ble to share these secrets with you and know that you’re going to keep them safe,” Rhett says, his voice earnest. “My brother tells me not to trust you, then he tries to get you to work for him because he claims you can keep a secret. He makes no sense. Besides, he’s not the one in your life. I am.”

My heart sinks. At one point, Park was right. I shouldn’t be trusted, especially with this information. I could use it to destroy the entire Montgomery family if I wanted to.

Do I want to? I like Addie and I like their father. I can’t blame him for marrying a total bitch who just so happens to be my mother.

“You should do what you think is right,” I tell him gently.

“What do you think is right?” His gaze finds mine once more, like he’s seeking all the answers from me.

We both know I am the last person he should ask. “I think your father deserves to know the truth. But I’m not you. I don’t know him as well as you do. So it’s up to you.”

“Yeah. Great,” he mutters. “This sucks. I have no clue what I’m supposed to do. There’s so much more…” His voice drifts and he clamps his lips shut, looking away. His jaw is tight, his lips firm, and he’s practically vibrating with tension. I want to reassure him, tell him everything’s going to be all right. It’ll all work out in the end.