Now all I can do is wait.


I feel like an asshole as I push my way through the crowded house, my gaze scanning the room as I try to find my uncle. I still can’t wrap my head around it. He’s the one who attacked Jensen at the club that one night—or so she claims.

That I doubt her because she’s accusing someone I know, someone I’m related to, makes me feel even worse.

“Hey, I thought you already left.” Park grabs hold of me, stopping my progress, and I whirl on him, jerking my arm out of his grip. He raises his hands like he’s defending himself, that fucking smirk on his face making me want to punch him. “Hold up, bro. No need to get violent.”

I ignore his comment. He’s just trying to provoke me. What else is new? “Say one more thing and I’ll fucking take you out.”

“I’d like to see you try.” Park laughs, but the humor is gone. I’ve just pissed him off. He hates it when I threaten him with physical violence, especially considering the last couple of times we’ve gone at it, I’ve won.

“I don’t want to get into it with you, Park,” I tell him, ignoring the anger in his gaze. “You have no right to be angry with me, considering you’re the one who said those shitty things about Jensen.”

“You should’ve done your due diligence before you brought a stripper into the house, Rhett,” Park returns. “I’m not taking the blame on this one, little brother. Pick better next time, okay?”

I don’t bother correcting him about Jensen’s job. What’s the point? He’s going to think what he wants. And like he has any right to judge me. He’s the one who’s fucking our stepmother behind Dad’s back.

Talk about a twisted mess.

I decide to change the subject before this argument gets any worse. “Have you seen Uncle Craig?”

Park appears momentarily taken aback by my question, but at least he answers me. “Talked to him a few minutes ago, right when he first got here. I think he went outside. Said something about wanting to check out the young tail.” Park laughs again, and I leave before he can say anything else, heading for the kitchen and the back door that leads outside.

Right before I open the kitchen’s French door, I check my phone to make sure Jensen hasn’t sent me a text or tried to call me.

But there are no notifications, no missed calls. I’m tempted to text her, reassure her I’m all right, but she could start asking questions. Questions I don’t want to answer.

So instead I shove my phone back into the front pocket of my jeans and head outside.

The backyard is even more crowded than it was before we left, and I look around, still in search of Uncle Craig or even Addie. The music is loud. I see a group of teenagers nearby passing a bottle of Fireball between them, and I wonder if Addie is drinking.

Christ, I hope not.

“Rhett! You decided to come back after all, huh?”

I turn to find my uncle standing in front of me, a friendly smile on his face, his arm slung around the shoulders of the blonde he brought as his date. She stares up at him with adoring eyes, her large breasts nestled against his chest.

“Yeah, thought I’d come back after all,” I repeat to him with a smile, but it’s difficult to maintain, so I let it fade. Did he really lay his hands on Jensen? And why? Or is this just some random coincidence? “Figured it’s too early to leave the party.”

“That’s my boy.” Craig grins, pulling the blonde closer to him and squeezing her shoulders. “Lara, this is my nephew, Rhett. He got all his good looks from me.”

“Pleased to meet you,” Lara simpers, reaching out to shake my hand, her long, pale pink fingernails reminding me of weapons. As in, she could probably scratch my eyes out.

“Same,” I tell her, shaking her hand quickly before taking a step back. This chick barely looks older than me. Where does my uncle find girls like this?

Strip clubs.

I banish the thought.

“Did you get chance to talk to Addie and wish her a happy birthday?” I ask Craig.

“Oh yeah, we chatted for a few minutes. Just before her boyfriend whisked her away so they can go grind on each other on the dance floor,” Craig says, shaking his head. “How did she grow up so fast?”

“I don’t know,” I say with a shrug, hating the small talk, but shit. How am I supposed to approach this with him? I can’t just ask him if he’s ever attacked my girlfriend at City Lights.

Yeah. No. That wouldn’t be smart. I gotta play this just right.