We enter the building, the doors swinging open with ease and a wall of cool air enveloping me, making me shiver. Why run the air conditioning when it’s the end of November and cold out? Weird.

The cavernous lobby is mostly empty, save for the beautiful dark-haired woman sitting behind a large desk on the far side of the room. When she notices us, she stands. “Hello. Is either one of you Jensen?”

“I am,” I say with a faint smile as I step toward her.

The woman smiles in return, moving from behind her desk to come stand in front of us. “It’s so nice to meet you, Jensen. I’m Sandra, and I’ll take you to your interview. I hope your friend doesn’t mind waiting out here for you?”

I turn to look at Savannah. “You okay with waiting?”

Savannah raises her brows and looks around, her gaze lingering on the nearby couches. “You okay with me not going with you?”

“I’ll be all right.” I take a step closer and lower my voice so only she can hear me. “I’ll make a run for it if things get out of hand.”

She smiles. “Good idea.”

“See you in a bit,” I tell her before I turn to Sandra. “Okay, I’m ready.”

Sandra leads me down a long, narrow hall, making small talk, asking if I have any Thanksgiving plans, and do I have a job currently? I offer up vague answers. I’m not one for casual conversation, especially when it has to do with me. I’d rather keep my private details private, thank you very much.

There’s a door at the end of the hall and she reaches for the handle, opening it slowly. “You can go in now.”

“Um. Wait a—” I turn to look at her, but she’s shooing me in then closing the door behind me so quickly, I have to leap forward so she doesn’t slam the door on me. I look around the room, spotting the desk angled in the farthest corner, and a man sits behind it.

And not just any man.

It’s Park. Rhett’s big brother.

What. The. Hell?

“Jensen.” He stands and makes his way toward me, immaculate in a black suit, his dark hair slicked back, his expression open. Friendly. The total opposite of how he behaved during our last encounter, when he revealed my job status to Diane with such uncontained glee. Like he couldn’t want to humiliate me, the jackass. “I’m so glad you could make it.”

I take a step back, confused. Annoyed. This feels like a setup. A trick. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m the CEO of MP Industries.” He offers me a crooked smile, somehow looking bashful and smug all at once.

I’m having a hard time comprehending what he’s telling me. “Are you the one I’m supposed to interview with?”

“Well. Yes. I need an assistant.” He slips his hands in his trouser pockets, deceptively casual. I don’t know what he’s up to, but it definitely doesn’t feel legit. “I didn’t know how to tell you it was me. Plus I figured if you knew you were interviewing with me, you wouldn’t show up.”

“You figured correctly,” I tell him just before I turn and start heading for the door. He’s right behind me, his steps increasing, and before I can reach for the handle, his hand is there, smacking against the door and pressing on the sleek wood to keep me captive.

These Montgomery men are determined, I can give them that.

“Hear me out, Jensen,” he says, stepping away from me when I turn to face him. “I want you to come work for me.”

“Why?” I ask incredulously, crossing my arms. “I don’t understand. How did you even find me?”

He offers a little shrug, still going for nonthreatening. I don’t believe him, though. I think he’s a bigger threat than he’s letting on. “I was scrolling through that career site and stumbled upon your resume. I checked out your qualifications, and realized quick you’d make the perfect assistant.” That smile is still pasted on his face, but his eyes have gone a little dim. “Come on, Jensen. Sit down, let’s chat for a few minutes.”

“No.” I shake my head. “I can’t work for you.”

“Why not? I know you don’t have a job right now.” When I frown at him, he continues, “I called City Lights. They told me you didn’t work there any longer.”

Is he stalking me? This makes zero sense. I decide not to acknowledge the lack of job comment. “Why are you doing this?”

“Doing what?” He blinks his big brown eyes and I sort of want to punch him.

“Showing such—interest in me? What are you doing? Trying to make your brother jealous?”