“Do you try this hard with all the ladies?”

He inhales a breath before exhaling, his hands gripping the straps of his backpack, “Usually, no. Most of the time it’s… Ooo Clark, please fuck me. Oh yes, Clark. Right there… right there… Their panties are on the floor, no questions asked.”

Snorting, I shake my head. “Now I understand why you and Vance are friends.”

“And why is that?” he teases.

“Because you’re both arrogant as hell, slightly piggish, and have egos the size of your heads.” Clark winces as if I’ve wounded him, and I feel kind of bad, having just said what I did without really knowing him.

“You wound me, A. Wound me. And yet, you intrigue me all at once. Vance hates you, which I’m sure you know by now…” Reaching out, he grasps onto a piece of my hair, twirling it around, examining it in the afternoon sun. “But I don’t… I’m curious about you. I want to be your friend. I want to get to know you.”

“You mean you want to get to know my panties.”

Dropping the lock, he grins, his smile breathtaking, perfectly straight white teeth showing from behind lightly pink parted lips.

“Well, of course, I’m a guy, and I have a dick so yeah, I want to get acquainted with your panties, more like your vagina, but I also want to get to know you. We can be friends too. Let’s have dinner… we can go to Slice It.”

Clark’s harmless in the big scheme of things, this I know. But, him getting to know me? That can’t lead to anything good. I chew on the inside of my cheek, indecision rippling through me. This is a bad idea, a terrible idea, but I’m alone, so damn alone, and I’m tired of it. I’m desperate for some human interaction, even if it’s with the enemy’s best friend.

How sad is that?

Clark bats his eyelashes and gives me his best puppy dog look. I can’t imagine what that look gets him on a regular basis.

“Does that look usually get you whatever you want?” I ask, eyebrow raised.

“All the time, sweetheart,” Clark drawls.

Tapping on my chin with my finger, I continue to weigh my options. Go home to face an empty house, and Vance, or go to dinner with Clark, possibly making a new friend and enjoying myself? It can’t be that bad, can it? What’s the worst that happens? Vance finds out? Then what? He can’t hurt me anymore than he already has.

“Come on, it’ll be fun. Pizza, endless conversation, and you’ll get to chill with me, that’s the most amazing part of all.”

He’s… Jesus, is he full of himself.

“Fine. I’ll go, but only if you understand that this is dinner only. Dinner as friends. No date, no kissing, no sex. No funny business whatsoever.” I narrow my gaze, waiting for him to answer me. He takes a step closer, and I inhale his scent. Bold and spicy with undertones of vanilla.

“Scout’s honor, princess,” he promises, holding up two fingers. “Dinner, no funny business, though that is my favorite kind of business.”

“Not with me, it isn’t.”

We exchange numbers, even though I’m pretty sure he already has mine. I think everyone does after Vance’s most recent prank where he posted my number all over campus and on Craigslist. The asshole had people blowing up my phone all week asking for nude pictures and booty calls.

“Let’s meet back up at four near the coffee shop next to the English building,” Clark says, his eyes clashing with mine. “You know where that is right?”

Rolling my eyes, I say, “Yeah, I know where it is. I’ll be there. Hopefully you don’t regret hanging out with me.”

“Never, A. Never.” Shaking his head, he backpedals a couple steps. “I’ll see you later,” he exclaims before disappearing into the mass of students walking in my direction. My phone chimes in my pocket and I pull it out, my eyes falling to the time.

Shit! How the hell am I going to graduate when I can’t even make it to class on time?


We walk into the small pizza place a few hours later. The aroma of fresh basil and oregano fill the entire place, making my mouth water. I’m starving, my stomach grumbles so loudly I’m surprised Clark can’t hear it.

“How about over there.” Clark points to a secluded booth in the back.

“Sure.” I shrug. He grabs my hand and tugs me along behind him. Gazing down at our joined hands, I’m not sure what to think. He’s kind, flirtatious, yes, but he’s harmless in comparison to Vance. When we reach the booth, he lets go of my hand and we both scoot into the booth and sit down across from each other.

“So, how are things going on the home front?” Clark asks. I guess no meaningless small talk before asking the personal questions with him. I wonder if he does this on dates? If he dates at all? Probably not.