I think back on what Henry said, he threatened to cut my mom off and leave us out on the street penniless. I didn’t tell Vance anything, but he still found out. What will Henry do now? Was he really planning to divorce my mom over this? Did he ever love her at all? So many questions. One more worrisome than the next. I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do next, all I know is that my life is a complete mess.


A loud knocking drags me out of my restless sleep, and I sit up, gazing around the room disoriented. For a moment I forget where I am and how I got here. My eyes are so puffy I have to pry them open. I try and swallow, but my throat is so dry it feels like I’ve swallowed a handful of sand. When the incessant knocking doesn’t go away, I force myself out of bed and stumble to the door. I feel like I’m hungover but without having had a drop of alcohol.

When I reach the door, my gaze drops to my lower half. The events from last night were a complete blur but apparently I had fallen asleep on the bed without changing. Shrug. I don’t care, not about anything right now.

Whoever is on the other side of that door doesn’t need to know that. Straightening, I hold my head up high and grab onto the door handle, twisting, and pulling it open.

“Ava…” My mother’s voice fills the room right as she pushes inside the room and throws her arms around me, pulling me into her chest. I’m taken back by her presence and just stand there motionless until her warmth seeps into me and her perfume overwhelms my senses. Then I give into her, holding onto her like a small child.

“What happened?” she gasps. “I was looking everywhere for you and only found you when I checked your credit card statement online. Why are you at a hotel?” she asks, guiding me back toward the bed. Releasing me, she turned and closed the door behind her before coming back over to where I was sitting.

She takes one of my hands into hers and the mattress dips as she sits beside me. Never has my mother acted like she cared about me, at least not in the last five years. That night changed everything. It was almost like she blamed me, kinda like how Vance did, and Henry too. It seems everyone blamed me…

“Did Henry tell you what happened?” I ask, those first couple of words gravelly sounding.

“Not really. I came home to Henry and Vance fighting. Vance destroyed his father’s office, he was screaming at him, and accusing him of all these things. None of which make sense to me.”

“Oh, Mom…” I pause, my eyes meeting hers. She truly looks confused and I understand why. Just like Vance, she had no idea that Henry didn’t tell the truth. All along she’s been thinking everyone knew of their affair. But no one did, no one but her, Dad, Henry, and I.

“What is it, honey?” She blinks slowly.

I examine her face, looking at her for the first time in forever. I’m drawn first to her soft blue eyes framed by long lashes. Her hair is styled professionally, glossy, and the same mousy brown as mine. She looks exhausted, worried, but at the same time has a natural glow about her.

“Sweetie, you’re scaring me. Why are you in this hotel and not back at the house? Did something happen with Vance and Henry?”

Do I want to tell her everything? Would it matter if I did? She loves him and has for a long time. Plus, she’s already proven where her loyalty lies. Would telling her change anything? I want her happy, but Henry is vile and mean, and does he really love her if he can toss her out onto the street without a dime?

Or did he just say those things because he wanted me to comply? Maybe he really does love my mom. She certainly seems happy. If I’m being honest, she seems happier now than she ever did with my dad.

And if I tell the truth again of what I know, the secrets, will it shatter everyone’s lives again?

My mouth goes dry, and I lick my lips. “I… I just wanted… wanted some time to myself, that’s all. I’ve been struggling with some school work,” I lie, deciding that if she’s going to find out, it will be from someone else.

“Are you lying to me?” The sternness in her voice grabs onto me.

“No,” I lie again.

The lies keep piling up and I wonder if soon I’ll be able to believe them too.

“When Vance was screaming, I heard him mention your name, and how if Henry ever threatened you again, he would…” Her voice trails off, and I don’t need to hear the rest of whatever she was going to say to know that it wasn’t anything good.