“Do the men have a problem with my decision?” he asked, countering the question with a question.

“No. They trust you, and so do I, Pipe.”

“I’m not going to put the club at risk. The Hell’s Wolves is still my priority, and it’s not going to change. Elena is my woman, and she will have the best life I can give her. Making peace with the Saints and Sinners is my aim.”

“When do you think Saint will arrive?”

“A couple of hours. He needs to calm down first.”  Getting to his feet, he made his way toward Elena. Once he stood behind her, he wrapped his arm around her waist. “Hey, baby.”

She tensed up.

“You were asleep last night when I came to bed.”

“You were gone a long time.”

He kissed her neck. “I had to make the club aware of what is going on. Saint’s not going to let you go easily.”

She held onto the edge of the counter, and he kept his hand on her stomach. “Should I even be here?”


“But we’re causing problems.”

He turned her toward him, and cupped her face so that she had no choice but to look at him. “Listen to me closely, Elena, I love you. You’re my woman, and I’m not backing down, nor am I letting you go. I will fight Saint for you.”

“You love me? You don’t have to say that you do.”

The only way to silence her was with his lips. He slammed his mouth down on hers stopping all protest from her. Sinking his fingers into her hair, he held her tight against him with another hand cupping her ass.

Releasing her lips, he didn’t back away from her, or give her the chance to pull away. “I once told you that you couldn’t handle what I feel for you. I’m in love with you, you’re my old lady, and we’re going to make this work. I promise you.”

“I believe you.”

He pressed a kiss against her mouth. “You’re my old lady now.”

She smiled. “I never thought I’d be an old lady.”

He let her go, and removed his leather jacket. “I’ll get you a cut soon enough, but I want you to wear this one.” He placed his jacket over her shoulders, and she looked so damn beautiful in the cut.

“It’s a little big,” she said.

“It looks good on you.”

“Pipe, they’re here,” Shawl said, calling to him.

The smile that was on her face disappeared.

“Saint arrived sooner than I thought.”

“He’s not alone. Several members of his club are here.”

Gripping the lapels of the jacket, he kissed her hard. “Trust me, baby.”

“I trust you.”

Taking her hand, he made his way out of the club, and there in the parking lot at the head of the club sat Saint. He’d already climbed off his bike, and Pipe kept Elena by his side as he moved toward the front of his men. The Hell’s Wolves were all tense, ready to reach for their weapons, and so were the Saints and Sinners.

If he let it turn to a gunfight, it would be a bloodbath, and he wasn’t interested in that. None of them would make it out alive, and he had to protect his club and Elena.