Chapter Ten

The following day Elena stood in her brother’s clubhouse with Sarah. She had invited her friend as she couldn’t bear to leave her alone. After following Ralf into the apartment with Sarah, she’d seen a fighter in her friend. Not only had she seen a fighter, she’d also seen the inner strength Sarah had possessed. At first, she really thought Sarah had lost it. The truth was her eyes had been opened.

“You’re really leaving?”

“Yes, I’m leaving. I’m heading out to college, and I’m going to take up my business courses. I stayed in Sinners’ Corner for a relationship that was complete bullshit. It’s time for me to move on. I’m going to.”

“When are you leaving?”

“Tomorrow. The apartment is in Ralf’s hands now. He can deal with it. I’m packed, and I can’t wait to go. I’m excited.”

Elena was happy for her friend, but sad. In the last week she’d been having the time of her life with Pipe while her friend was arranging her departure.

“I’m going to miss you,” Elena said.

“You can come with me. We can leave this whole town behind.”

For a second, she really thought about it. If it wasn’t for Pipe, she would have gone. “I can’t go.”


Glancing around the room, Elena sighed. “You know why.”

“Elena, it’s not going to work out, honey. You know that.”

“I don’t know that.”

“Two clubs, two different leaders, and two different men. One of them is your brother, the other, your lover. How is it going to work?”

Biting her lip, she frowned. “I love him, Sarah. How can I walk away when I know he’s the one?”

“You love him?” Sarah jerked, glancing around. “I thought it was just sex between the two of you.”

“It was, and now it’s not. I love him. I don’t know what he thinks of me.”


Elena smiled thinking about her time with him. “He makes me feel alive when I’m with him. Everything else falls away, and it’s like we’re the only two people in the world.”

Sarah’s gaze softened. “That was what it was like for Ralf and me in the beginning. It’s not now but whatever.”

“I’m really sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry for me. This is about you. I’m moving on, Elena. You, well, you’re in love with a man who is known for beating men’s skulls in with a steel pipe.”

“I admit he’s colorful, and he’s not the kind of man you take home to Mom and Dad. I don’t have a mom and dad, and Pipe’s not that man when he’s with me. He’s different.” Elena didn’t want to have to keep fighting with everyone around her that he made her happy. She wasn’t under any illusions, and imagined Saint had his fair share of deaths under his belt.

“Do you really think it’s going to work with him?” Sarah asked.

“I know it’s going to be difficult, but like you said, he makes me happy, and shouldn’t that be the only thing that matters? He makes me happy.”

“Hey, sis, you okay?” Saint asked.

Elena jumped and pressed a hand to her chest. “You scared me.”

“Didn’t mean to. Ralf’s outside, Sarah. He’d like a word with you.”

“He calls, and I must go running. Things never change.” Sarah wiped her hands on a towel and made her way out of the room.