Chapter Six
“You’re in a good mood this morning,” Sarah said, drawing Elena’s attention. Her body was incredibly sore. The bath had helped somewhat, but it hadn’t eased everything. She was no longer a virgin. Not only was she no longer a virgin, but she had lost it to a man like Pipe, and he was amazing.
“I feel in a good mood.”
“Does this have something to do with a certain biker last night?” Sarah asked.
Elena tensed up and averted her gaze.
“It is, isn’t it?”
“Don’t say anything,” Elena said. “Please¸ I really like him, and I don’t want Saint to ruin this for me.” Her brother would, as he couldn’t handle her being happy. At least, that was how he made her feel, that her being happy wasn’t good enough.
“Have you taken the time to talk to Saint? He’s your brother, and I’m sure he wants what is best for you.”
Elena looked toward Sarah. “Not really.”
“Maybe you should talk to him.”
“Not about Pipe. He wouldn’t understand. Please don’t say anything.”
“I’m not going to say anything, Elena. You’re happy with Pipe, and I think that’s a good thing.” Sarah glanced toward the main door. “I know this is going to be your secret. I won’t tell, I promise.”
“Even if Ralf asks?”
“Especially if Ralf asks,” Sarah said. “After you left this morning, I took a shower, and I thought about what we’d talked about. My life with Ralf was good, but it wasn’t perfect. We didn’t have a perfect relationship. We had an okay one. We got complacent with each other. Ralf wasn’t happy, and I think I was waiting for it all to fail.” She shrugged. “I guess it all sucks for us all.”
“No, it doesn’t. You didn’t ask Ralf to change, did you?”
“What? No, of course not. He was always asking me out, and it made me nervous. I’d never been good around men, and Ralf, he’s not the kind of man you ignore. He’s the kind of man you pay attention to. I tried to ignore him, and I failed. From the moment we were together, I knew it wasn’t going to last, and that sucks. It all sucks, and there’s nothing we can do about that. Some couples are not meant to be.”
“Do you think I’m making a mistake?” Elena asked.
“I don’t know if you’re making a mistake or not. If Pipe makes you happy, then stick with it, and be happy. Sometimes it’s just about finding some happiness together.”
Elena nodded. She couldn’t find fault with what Sarah was saying. They stopped talking as the shop started to get busy. Elena left Sarah to handle the customers while she went toward the back, and started filling out internet orders. She brought the orders up online, and began packaging them up.
Her cell phone chimed, letting her know that a text had come through. She stopped what she was doing, and glanced down to see Pipe had sent her a text.
Pipe:Hey, beautiful, how are you feeling?
She couldn’t help but smile at his text.
Elena:I’m fine. Working!
After her response she didn’t expect to hear anything else from him. Seconds later, her cell phone chimed again.
Pipe:How’s your pussy?
Elena:You’ve got to stop texting.
Pipe:Tell me, or I’m coming to see you myself.
Rolling her eyes, she couldn’t believe how much fun she was having.
Pipe:I’m coming!
Attached to his text was a picture of his bike, and she panicked. There was no way she wanted to ruin this before it had even started.