To help clear his mind he needed a dirty mouthed woman who didn’t have a problem taking his cock. He would rid his mind of the worries that Elena had created.


Pipe waited in Elena’s house for her to return home. She had left a window open, and he was going to have to put her over his knee for that. She was putting herself in real danger, and it pissed him off. Being related to a club Prez, she should know to keep her windows locked and doors secure at all times.

After he’d left the bar, he’d made his way to the clubhouse, to be seen by his men, and to get an update on the fights. Everything was going well, and it was actually tonight that one of Saint’s boys was supposed to fight. He was interested to see how one of the other MCs fought. Pipe was going to have a front row seat.

First, he’d wanted to talk to Elena without risk of either of them being interrupted. It would seem she’d decided to spend the night with her friend, which gave him plenty of time to go snooping through her shit. She was a rather neat person, and everything was put away. He was going to dirty her up, and have her begging for more. Pipe wouldn’t let her hide from what she needed, which was a nice stiff cock.

Also a man who isn’t going to turn his back on her.

He’d been alone in her house all night, and he’d snooped. No, snoop was too damn nice a word. He’d gone through everything, her drawers, her notebooks, even her cookery books, and he’d raided her fridge, fixing himself a snack. He was hungry all the damn time, and it was no different now.

Sitting on her bed, he waited for her to arrive. He heard her car pull into the driveway at seven-thirty. Pipe hadn’t gotten any sleep last night as he’d wanted to be prepared.

The front door opened, and he heard her place her keys in the little tray.

There was some more shuffling going on, and his excitement was starting to build within him. He wanted her beneath him, driving his cock so deep inside her tight pussy, and she’d have a tight one, so damn tight.

It wasn’t just about her sweet as fuck pussy. It was about her, and how damn good she was as a person. He knew it was cliché as shit, but she made him want to be a better person, and he was being really fucking serious. His past, present, and future would involve killing people, and yet when he was around her, she made him feel like just a man.

He tensed up as she made her way upstairs, and he waited for her to enter the bedroom.

The moment she did, she’d actually closed her eyes and was stretching her arms above her head. She wore some pajama bottoms that were cute, and the shirt she wore drooped low so he got a good view of her tits. Her hair was knotted at the nape of her neck, and she looked so damn adorable.

“You know, you really should learn to lock your windows.”

Elena screamed the moment he started talking, and placed a hand across her heart. Her eyes were open wide, and she’d taken a step back.

“What the hell are you doing here?” she asked, looking around her room.

“I wasn’t going to leave our little kiss like that. You should have known that. You been with Sarah all night?” he asked, placing her little bunny teddy bear back on the bed.

“You broke into my house?”

“Actually, I came in through a window.”

He took a step toward her, and Elena simply glared at him. “You need to leave. If Saint saw you here—”

“Are you going to tell him? Are you going to tell him that you want me, Elena?”

“I don’t want you. I don’t want anything to do with you.”

He tutted. “You’re lying, baby, and you really need to stop. I bet your pussy was so damn wet for me last night, and I bet you’re wet now, aren’t you, baby?”

“Stop it. Stop calling me baby, and stop talking about me being wet. This is my body.”

Pipe closed the distance between them. “It is your body, and it wants me, doesn’t it? Admit it, Elena. You want me.”

“I don’t. Saint—”

“Fuck Saint. He’s just your brother. You’re not part of his club. You’re not even a club whore. You’ve got no attachment to that club, and I saw that last night when you’d rather run from him than stand up to him.”

“He’s my brother. I grew up in that club.”

“For how long? How long did you grow up in that club? I remember there being two of you, a brother and sister, but the sister went away with her little mother.”

“Stop it, Pipe.”