Chapter Three
“You kissed Pipe!”
Elena cringed as she stared across the sofa at her friend. They had arrived at Sarah’s place twenty minutes ago, donned some pajamas, and were eating ice cream. No one had stopped them, which she was thankful for.
“Don’t tell anyone.”
“I’ve got no one to tell. I work at Dirty Deeds, Elena. I’ve got no connection to the club whatsoever.”
“What about Ralf?”
“He left, remember? I’m on my own.” Sarah gritted her teeth, fighting the tears that were about to come.
She took several deep breaths before returning her gaze back to Elena.
“Are you okay?”
“No, I’m not okay. You know how television shows say that a woman needs to forget about the man in their life, and just have fun, going crazy, screwing whatever man will look their way?”
“I don’t think that actually happens, but I see what you mean, in a roundabout fashion.”
“I’m not that strong. I love Ralf. He’s everything to me, and when I’m with him, the whole world falls away. I’m hurt, and I’m hurting. It’s not going to go away just because he’s left.” Sarah licked her lips. “He was my first.”
“Your first love?”
“No, he was my first everything. That’s how much I love him. I couldn’t bring myself to be with any other man, and he’s it for me. I love him. I love him with all my heart, and there’s no one I want more than him.” Sarah shrugged. “Knife, he was nice, and we danced. He didn’t invade my space, or make it personal. We just talked, and it was nice.”
“You don’t think there could be anything between you and another man?”
Sarah released a heavy sigh. A lot of people seemed to be doing that just lately around her. Elena didn’t know if she should start taking offence at it.
“Not straight away. It hasn’t been long enough since Ralf left. I’ll date again, but it’s just going to take time.”
Elena nodded, dipping her spoon into the ice cream, and eating some.
“So, you and Pipe?”
Rolling her eyes, Elena finished eating the ice cream, and took some more. “There’s nothing to tell.”
“There has to be something to tell.”
“Okay, fine. The day of Penny and Rage’s wedding, I went to that bar. Pipe was there, and it wasn’t two clubs, or his club, or anything. We were just a man and a woman, having a drink, and some fun together. That was all. Nothing bad or seedy.”
“You like him?”
“I do. It scares me because when we are together—and it has only been twice—but the feeling has been the same. He’s the first guy to really look at me, and see me. Does that make sense?”
“Complete sense.”
“I feel like a woman when I’m with him. Saint falls away. Mom ceases to exist inside my head. All the negative crap just disappears, and we’re two people.”
“He makes your heart pound?”
“Yes. He does, and his kiss was out of this world. I’ve never been kissed like that, and he drives me crazy. It’s not going to end well for me.” Elena took a deep breath. “Pipe’s the Prez of the Hell’s Wolves, and they’re not exactly best friends with my brother’s club.”
“It doesn’t always have to be about the club.”
Elena laughed. “It does. To these men, there’s nothing more important than the club. Nothing will happen. It’s just nice when I’m near him.”