“They’re not together anymore.”

“We’re talking like a couple of pussies here.” Knife shook his head. “This could get ugly.”

Pipe laughed, and together they made their way back toward the main bar. He wasn’t scared of Saint. He wasn’t scared of anything.

“Sarah, huh?” Pipe asked.

“I don’t know. She’s nice, and I guess in our world we don’t do nice. We deal with bitches, and bitches are not nice.”

Pipe couldn’t fault the man. Elena wasn’t like any other bitch he’d ever known. In fact, even thinking about her as a bitch left a bad taste in his mouth.

The moment they entered the main bar, he saw Saint and several bikers scanning the crowd. Pipe and Knife took a seat at the end of the bar, and signaled the barman to give them a beer.

It didn’t take long for Saint to spot them.

“What the fuck are you two doing here?” Saint asked.

Pipe turned toward the other Prez and smiled. “We’re not wearing any patches. We’ve got a right to be here, just like you.”

None of the Saints and Sinners were wearing patches either.

“Where’s Sarah?” Ralf asked, coming to stand next to Saint.

“Who’s Sarah?” He glanced at Knife. “Do you know a Sarah?”

“All of these bitches could be a Sarah to me.”

“Don’t talk about my woman like that!” Ralf moved to grab Knife, who quickly drew what he’d been named for.

“You really want to do this here?” Pipe asked, standing up. The whole room had gone tense, and the silence was deafening. “We’re in neutral ground. Nothing going down here. You want a fight, I’ll give you one, but it’ll be the Saints and Sinners Prez who would have started it. Do you want that?” he asked.

“Fuck! Back off, Ralf, now.”


“Now. Pipe’s right. This is not the time or the place to be having this kind of fight. Back off.”

Knife waited for Ralf to lower his fists, and they all took a step back.

“I’m going to back away, and you’re going to back away,” Pipe said, grabbing Knife’s arm, and making his way toward the back of the bar. “We’ll call this one a close call.”


Slowly, they exited the large room, and as they were leaving the bar, Pipe heard the silence disappear as the locals started talking once again.

“I could have fucked him up,” Knife said.

“It’s not the right time, nor is it the right place. We’d have fucked ourselves over with this.”

“I don’t like it. Sarah’s sobbing over that little shit? He’s not fucking worth shit. He can’t even hack it as a deputy. Little shit.”

“Tell me how you feel,” Pipe said, moving toward his bike. He may not wear his cut, but he’d always ride his bike.

Knife shook his head. “Why did you invite me?”

He’d had his pick of the club to invite.

Pipe shrugged. “I figured you’d be the only one not threatening toward Sarah.”