“Maybe you could stick them on Rage.”

“Doubtful.” Penny tucked some hair behind her ear and placed the clamps back on the shelf.

“What’s up?”


“You’re lying, honey, and lying doesn’t solve problems.” Elena finished placing more nipple clamps on the shelf.

“I don’t know. Rage and I, it’s moving pretty fast.”

“I’ve seen you two together in town. You’re all over each other, and you both look so happy.”

“I guess that’s what I’m afraid of.”

“What do you mean?”

“We’re moving so fast. I mean, my last boyfriends didn’t exactly move at warp speed.”

Elena chuckled. “None of your last boyfriends were bikers. Rage, he doesn’t look like the kind of guy who will wait to show you what he wants.”

“He’s not. Far from it.” Penny’s cheeks heated as she thought about the way Rage was in the bedroom. He was insatiable, and nothing was too much for him. Many nights Penny would almost pass out from exhaustion. It was only fear of her own feelings for the rough biker that kept her awake. She’d wait for him to fall asleep, and then move to her office where she’d sleep the rest of the night, waking well before he ever did.

“I know that face. You’re worried about something.”

“I promised myself I’d never fall for a biker, and yet, I think I am.”

“You think it, or know it?”

“Rage is so, he’s everywhere, and we can talk as well. I never thought we’d have anything in common, and yet we do. I guess I’m just scared,” she said.

“Of what?”

“I’m scared of falling in love and getting my heart broken.” She swallowed past the lump in her throat. “I don’t want to be like Melissa. Whenever he’s at the clubhouse, I worry. I’m not the prettiest girl out there. What if he wants someone else? You see, I never thought like this before him.”

Elena grabbed her shoulders, and gave her a little shake. “Rage cares about you. I’ve never seen him give any woman the kind of attention that he shows you. He loves you.”

“He loves me?”

“I believe so. The moment he realized you were looking for a place to live, he moved his stuff out, and placed it into storage. He told me and Sarah to make sure to offer you the apartment at a competitive rate. No one else was allowed to have the apartment but you.”

Penny couldn’t believe it, and yet it was one of the sweetest things a guy had ever done for her. “I don’t sleep with him.”


“I mean, we have sex, often. I just, I wait for him to go to sleep, and I sneak into my office.”

“I know you do, princess, and that’s what we’re going to go and talk about.” Rage moved up behind her, grabbed her around the waist, and nodded at Elena. “Have a good day, Elena.”

“She screams for help, I’m coming.”

“The only screams you’re going to hear are her in actual orgasm.”

They left the shop and made their way up toward their apartment.

Their apartment.

Rage hadn’t been with anyone else but her. Every night without fail he’d come home, and they’d spend a great deal of time together.