“I’m not talking about me. I’m talking about Pea.”

Melissa sighed. “No one is ever going to believe me when I saw that I’m actually happy with my life. I care about Pea in my own way, and I know he cares about me.”

“You know he’s not in love with you, right?”

“I don’t care. We’ve got what works for us. Pea is loyal, and he’ll never hurt me. He’ll also take care of my sister. I love my sister, Rage. I will do anything to protect my sister.”

Melissa looked happy, and slapped him on the arm.

Rage watched her walk toward Pea, kiss his cheek, and Pea wrapped his arm around her. In a messed up way, it made some kind of sense. Leaving the club, Rage walked to his own woman, handing her the helmet, and climbing on his bike. He waited for her to climb on behind him, and they took off toward their apartment.


Two months later

Penny couldn’t believe she was standing in the church in a pristine white dress that molded to every single curve she possessed. She held a bouquet of red roses, and her heart was pounding.

A simple affair had turned into a proper church wedding, not one she actually anticipated. Rage had told her this was what he wanted, so she was going through with it.

“You look beautiful,” Melissa said, coming toward her.

Her sister was smiling and had tears in her eyes.

“I feel silly.”


“I’m in white. I wasn’t a virgin when I went to Rage’s bed.”

“I’m sure there are plenty of women who don’t go to their husband’s beds a virgin. This is what Rage wanted you to have. He doesn’t want you to go without. This is a rite of passage for every woman.”

“What if I fall down?”

“Saint’s going to be there to take you down the aisle, and he’s going to make sure you don’t trip.”

Biting her lip, Penny hadn’t told anyone the news the doctor had given her this morning. It was good news, or at least, she thought it was good news.

“Okay, I can do this.”

“Rage is waiting for you, sweetie,” Susan said, coming into the room. “It’s almost time.”

“Oh my, I’m about to get married. I’m about to get married.”

She ran fingers through her hair, and her stomach twisted.

“It’s not the time to get cold feet.”

“I’m not getting cold feet, Mel. It’s just huge. I’m ready.” She wasn’t just talking about the wedding. When they were alone she was going to tell Rage the good news. If they were ever alone on their wedding day.

“Hey, bride-to-be,” Elena said, walking into the room.

Susan, Sarah, and Elena were all her bridesmaids, and her sister was of course her matron of honor.

Placing a hand to her stomach, she tried to calm her nerves. Penny had never been good with all the attention focused on her.

“Are you all right?” Elena asked, hugging her.

“Nervous. I’m the kind of woman who’ll fall over.”