He reached underneath her, unbuttoning her jeans.

“No!” Penny started to pull on her arms, and fight against the hold.

Sean grabbed her hair, tugging her head back. “You’re not getting away until you’re full of our cum, and that fucker will look at you with disgust.”

Rage had never once looked at her with disgust. Looking back, Penny realized that Rage had always looked at her with love, and with lust. Tears spilled from her eyes as she thought about what she was going to lose.

She cried out as her jeans were tugged down her thighs. He didn’t even bother to pull them all the way off, and her panties followed suit. She was sobbing, screaming, and begging for Rage to come to her. Penny didn’t know if she could handle what was about to happen to her.

“Very nice.”

When one of them slapped her ass, Penny gagged, but nothing came up.

I can’t do this.

I can’t do this.

Help me, please, Rage.

She heard the sound of a zipper being lowered, and she tugged her hands from the cuffs, but they wouldn’t budge. She gasped at the pain, and suddenly the men were behind her, and she started screaming once again.

“Scream for this, bitch.”

The door to the warehouse was slammed open, and a gun was fired.

Everything turned to chaos within a matter of seconds, and the man behind her never got the chance to rape her. It was a fight, Sean and his men, against the wrath of the Saints and Sinners MC, and it didn’t look like all of the brothers were even there.

She tried to fight the cuffs, but she couldn’t move. Her naked ass was in the air, and opening her eyes, she watched in shock as she spotted Rage. Penny had never seen him like this before. He was literally in a fit of rage. She should have been sickened by what she was seeing, but she was glad. The men were going to rape her, and use her, and then kill her.

Tears poured from her eyes as Rage jammed his knife into Sean’s neck, and blood started to spill.

Silence fell inside the warehouse, and Penny sobbed.

“Rage,” she said, begging him.

“Shit, baby.”

He moved toward her and placed his hands over her wrists. They were raw from her fighting to get free, and he cursed.

“I’ll grab the key,” he said.

“Yes, please.”

“I can’t find the fucking key,” he said seconds later, and Penny cried.

“Just handle her, we’ll get the key,” Saint said. She was open and exposed for his club to see, and Penny hated that. Rage came back, and slammed his knife into the link that connected the cuffs to the table that she was tied to. Rage helped her lift up, and she wrapped her arms around him.

“Did they—”

“No, you got here in time.”

He tugged her panties up followed by her jeans. “It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you.”

“They were going to rape me, Rage. They were going to make it so you wouldn’t be able to look at me.”

“Penny, look at me.”

She forced herself to look into his blue eyes. They captivated her, and she started crying just a little bit harder.