“Love you, too.”

“Get some chocolate syrup tonight. I’ve got a sexy plan in mind.”

“I will.” She winked at him, and he watched her leave.

Turning back to Saint, he saw several club members had turned up into town. Beside Saint were Pea, Buzz, Willy, and Bean. They each pressed their hands to their hearts, and pouted.

“Fuck off, guys.”

He crossed the street, and as he did a bullet shot close to his foot. Screams descended on the town, and he charged back, watching as his club brothers dived out of the line of fire. Grabbing his gun from the back of his pants, he started looking around for Penny. Where the fuck had she gone?

“Penny!” He shouted her name in the hope of her answering.


Looking over the hood of the car, he ducked as another shot rang out.

More shots were fired, some hitting the car, and others off somewhere else. There was silence, and what Rage heard next sent his blood running cold.

“Rage!” Penny screamed his name, and he looked over the car, and saw Sean and a couple of the men from Pipe’s crew grabbing her.

She was fighting them, and he was so proud and terrified for her. He had to get to her. Getting to his feet, he was in time to see Sean slam Penny against the side of the white truck, before he slammed his fist against her face, dazing Penny so that he dumped her in the truck.

He didn’t care about his own safety. Penny couldn’t fight them off. He started firing his weapon, trying to damage them. The moment Penny and Sean were in the back of the car, the men holding the guns, climbed in, and the van was riding away from him.

“No!” He ran out from behind the car he was behind, running toward his woman.

The truck was too fast, and Rage couldn’t keep up with it. He fired his gun trying to take out the tires, and missed.


“Rage, come on, we can find her,” Saint said, grabbing his arm.

“That was Pipe’s man,” Rage said, taking the phone from Saint. “Where would he take her?” he asked, knowing that Pipe was on the phone. His brothers rushed around him, and Rage didn’t care right now.

“I’m not dealing with you. Put Saint back on the phone.”

“Listen, you little fucker. I will bash you in the head with your own fucking pipe if you don’t tell me what I want to know. I’ve just watched that little bastard Sean hit my woman. When I get my hands on him, and I will, there’s going to be nothing left. I’m going to kill all of them for taking what belongs to me.”

“Shit, man, as I was telling Saint, Sean was kicked out of the club weeks ago. The women that have been harassing your sex shop belonged to him. I recognized them. They’re trying to start a war between our clubs for turf.”

“Fuck! Where would they take her? I’m not leaving my woman alone with them any longer than I have to.”

Pipe was silent on the other line, and Rage was growing more impatient by the second.

“Sorry, I just got one of my men to get Sean’s accounts. He made a purchase on an abandoned warehouse about fifty miles from Sinners’ Corner. I imagine he’d take her there.”

Rage threw the cell phone at Saint, and rushed back toward his bike. He wasn’t surprised when Pea climbed onto his own bike beside him. Penny was his sister-in-law after all, and Pea also wanted to fuck her. “You thinking of offing me when we’re there?” Rage asked.

“No. Look, Penny chose you, okay? She didn’t want me, and wanted nothing to do with me. She’s still my sister-in-law, and I married Melissa. I made a promise to my wife to take care of Penny as much as her. I know my marriage is not everyone’s ideal, but it works for Mel and me. When it comes to Penny, my dick will stay in my pants. I love my club more than getting it wet with my wife’s sister. Penny is in danger, and we’ve got to get her back safely.”

“I’m never going to let Penny go. I will keep her safe from now on.”

“I don’t blame you. Penny is the woman you keep for life. I get that. More than you know, I get that. This isn’t about me. I’m coming with you as a brother to the club, and as her brother by marriage. Your woman, a club woman, has been taken, and we’re coming to get her back.”

Rage watched as the rest of the men who were with him in town, climbed on their bikes.

“Pipe got me directions. This isn’t just about you,” Saint said. “Penny, she’s been good to the club, and none of us are ever going to forget that.”