
Rage saw it, and it was so damn hot and sexy. He couldn’t wait to fuck her, and trace his name on her back. When he was close to coming, he was going to paint his spunk across his name.

Marcus handed him a mirror, and together they showed Penny the mark on her back.

“Wow, that is really pretty. Thank you, Marcus.”

“Your wish is my command.”

Afterward, Marcus told her what to do to care for it, and he applied a sterile plaster to keep it covered. “I wouldn’t wear anything on it, and try to sleep on your front tonight, okay. It’s best not to rub and disturb it in case it ends up dirty.”

“Will do.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of her.” Rage shook Marcus’s hand, and then made his way out of the club toward Penny’s car. He opened the passenger side, and Penny climbed inside. She didn’t argue with him, and when he was in the driver’s seat, he saw she’d turned toward him.

“What’s up, baby?”

“Nothing, I’m just thinking you should get my name inked across your ass.”

He burst out laughing.”

“And why would I do that?”

“To show to the world that I own your ass just like you own mine.”

“I own your ass huh?”

“What? You’re the one that hasn’t taken me there yet. I’ve been all for it.”

He took hold of her hand pressing it against his dick. “Do you see what you’re doing to me, princess?”

“I’m horny.”

“Not nearly as horny as me.”

She chuckled. “Are you going to?”


“Take my ass?”

Rage groaned. “Yes, I’m going to take your ass, and I’m going to take that pussy, and that mouth.”

“I can’t wait.”

He cupped her cheek “What have I turned you into?”

“An insatiable woman who knows what she wants. Did you know my latest book has done really well?”

“It has.”

“Yeah, I think it’s you.”

“Why do you think that?”

“I know what it means to feel true lust and desire. I also know what it means to be in love. Before you, I didn’t have a clue. You’ve given me so much already.”

Pressing his lips to hers, Rage took her home. Tonight he wasn’t going to make love to her, but he was going to care of her. She hated needles, and yet she’d been inked for him, and in turn he was going to give her the world. His name was marked on her flesh, and Penny’s soul matched his.