“I’d keep an eye on that,” Rage said, nodding at where Sean was once standing.

“I already saw it, and I’m already working on it.” He shook Saint’s hand. “We should draw weapons more often.”

Within seconds they were alone, and the sound of bikes rumbling disappeared.

“Well, that was … weird,” Willy said.

“I expected more diversion,” Pea said. “I don’t like his interest in Penny, Sarah, and Elena.”

“There have always been a lot of rumors about the women at Dirty Deeds. He’s just a man fishing for the truth. It’s not something we can do.” Saint turned to look at Rage

“Elena and Sarah are civilians. They’re not really club business,” Willy said.

Saint didn’t want Elena’s identity revealed to all of the club, but it was something that had to be done.

“Elena’s my sister,” Saint said.

There were a handful of men who knew the truth.

“Shit. He’s fishing to find out who is close to you?” Buzz asked.

“I don’t know. That Sean, I didn’t like him. There’s something going on there. I want Liam and Pea watching the shop.”

“I’ll do it,” Pea said.

“Penny’s going to need protection as well,” Saint said.

“I’m already on it. She spends most of her time at the apartment working so it shouldn’t be too much trouble.” Rage had learned the hard way that he needed to wait for her to finish her scene or chapter before she gave him any attention. He loved teasing her, distracting her from her work.

She was a great author.

He’d read a couple of her books while waiting for her attention, and she was busy writing. She didn’t waste time with her writing. There was always a lot of action, a lot of sex, and a lot of romance.

Penny was a romantic at heart, and he’d tried to be different from her other boyfriends, sweet even, which wasn’t in his nature.

“Let’s get out of here,” Saint said.

Riding back to town, Rage made a detour to Melissa’s place. He’d been with Penny for over a week, and each night she came apart in his arms. By morning, she was always the first one up, and part of him was sure she didn’t sleep in his bed beside him. Penny was holding herself back, and even in a week, he didn’t like it.

Parking his bike, he climbed off, and knocked on the door.

Melissa answered looking a little rough for wear. Her hair was all over the place, and her lipstick was smeared.

“Rage? What are you doing here?”

“Pea know you’re screwing about on him?” he asked, stepping into the house, and closing the door. Moving toward the kitchen, he saw the man scrambling to get his clothes on as he stepped through into the room. “Well, well, well, if it’s not the local Councilman Wallace. Aren’t you married?”

“Don’t, Rage,” Melissa said, walking into the room, looking a little more collected than before.

“Pea know you’re stepping out on him?”

“I’ll talk to you another time, Mel,” Wallace said.

“Sure, baby. I look forward to it.”

Rage stared at Melissa wondering how Penny was even related to this woman. She put on a front, and it was fake.

The sound of the door closing didn’t settle Rage’s anger.