“What the fuck were you doing with Penny?” Pea asked.
Staring at the brother, Rage was more convinced that Pea wanted Penny for more than just a sister-in-law but for a woman to fuck.
“I’m claiming Penny as my woman.”
The brothers gave a few whistles, slapping the table.
Pea wasn’t happy. “You can’t claim her. She’s not club property, and you can’t claim what you can’t have.”
Smiling, Rage stared at Pea. “I held off out of respect for you, but I can make her club property, which I have. I’ve claimed Penny as my own, and the reason I didn’t know about bitches paying a visit was because I was balls deep inside Penny, Pea. She’s mine. You want to fight about this, then we’ll fight. I’m happy to do either. Penny’s mine. She belongs to me. She will wear my jacket, bear my name, and wear my ring on her finger. I’m telling you all to back off.”
“You agreed to this?” Pea asked, looking toward Saint.
“Yes. Providing Penny wants Rage, I see no problem. He has spoken to me numerous times about his desire to claim Penny, and I made him wait as Penny wasn’t ready.” Saint sat back, looking amused by what was happening.
“Penny stopped coming around because of you and Mel. Penny’s not club property, as otherwise it wouldn’t have mattered who she was. Any brother could have gone after her. She’s not part of our way of life.”
“You claiming her is going to make her part of our way of life.”
“It’s going to happen whether you like it or not.” Rage tensed, waiting. “Anyone else got a problem with me having Penny? Speak now.” He didn’t give a fuck if they did or not. Rage wanted to know now who wanted Penny, and who didn’t.
“I’m not going to say anything. You’re a lucky bastard,” Willy said. “Her cookies are the fucking best.”
All of the brothers agreed.
“Good. Then church is over.” Saint raised the gavel and brought it down with force, signaling the end of church.
Brothers got up, slapping Rage on the back. They had wanted Penny in the club as she was one hell of a cook, sweet, charming, and she’d won the brothers over in the times that she’d been at the club.
Pea didn’t slap him on the back nor did he acknowledge him.
“He’s got a problem with you,” Saint said, standing up.
“Yeah. He wanted Penny, and it didn’t matter to him that he is married to her sister.”
Saint paused near the window. He pulled out a cigarette, and sparked up. “You sure about that?”
“Yes. Tell me why any guy would be that pissed over a guy laying claim to a woman, if he doesn’t want her himself.”
“Damn, I knew something was going on but not that. It could end up being sticky.”
“With Melissa?”
“They’re sisters, and you bringing Penny into the club, it could cause conflict.”
“I thought about that. Melissa knows.”
Saint raised his brow. “How do you figure that?”
“She sends Penny to go and get Pea. He wants her, so he’ll follow her.”
“Shit, I don’t know who to feel sorry for, Melissa, Penny, or Pea.”
“Penny doesn’t have a clue,” Rage said.
“What makes you think that?” Saint took a deep inhale on his cigarette, holding the smoke into his lungs before blowing it out of the window.
“She didn’t have a clue I wanted her until today. Penny goes around oblivious to pretty much everything. I doubt she knows that Pea has wanted in her pants.”