Chapter Four

Rage sat beside Saint as they waited for the rest of the men to come in for church. He’d spent the whole afternoon inside Penny’s pussy, and he’d come more times than he could count, but he wanted her again. From the moment he first met her, he’d known this would happen. Her body was like a drug, and he adored her.

For too long he’d been on the sidelines looking in, never allowed to touch. That was not going to happen any longer. She belonged to him in all the ways that mattered to him.

“You had a good afternoon?” Saint asked.

“I sure did. The best afternoon I’ve had in years.” He leaned back, smiling.

“Well, fucking the right woman puts that smile on your face.”

“It sure does, and believe me when I say that I fucked the right woman.” Just thinking about Penny and the way her pussy wrapped around him, turned him on even more. He wanted inside her, and to fuck her harder once again. It was late, and he doubted she’d enjoy a late night visit from him.

See her anyway. She’d love it.

Willy, Shorty, and Fly came in, followed by Zeus, Vanilla, and Bean. Pea came in last, along with a couple of other brothers. They weren’t a full house at the moment as several were being nomads for a couple of months. Saints and Sinners MC was split up, and when the brothers couldn’t stand to be in one place, they took to the roads, joining the nomads. The nomads were a bunch of men who took to the road, never taking a club. When the boys went nomadic, their leather cuts stayed at home, and they didn’t start wars, or fight with other clubs and gangs.

Liam and Paul, the two prospects, closed the door, guarding it on the outside. Prospects were not allowed in church. Their job was to protect the club, and do as they were told until they were ready.

“Right, let’s get down to business,” Saint said, sitting at the head of the table.

“We’ve got a drug run next Friday. We’re passing it straight through our town to the city. Marcel wants it bagged and ready to distribute. We’re meeting him at his club,” Rage said.

They made a shitload of money on drug runs, but that money wasn’t allowed to be noticed, so most of it tended to be filtered through with the odd grocery trip, a repair, and some of it put away for the old ladies, and expenses to bribe people that needed to be bribed. Most of the time, the cash was placed in the club’s safe where the brothers knew the combination. No one was allowed in the safe without placing in their own pin that was monitored on the computer.

“All in favor of this road trip?” Saint asked.

Everyone held their hand up voting themselves in for the drug trip.

“Okay, Willy and Bean, you stay behind with the two prospects. I don’t want anyone thinking we’re alone. The last thing I want to have to deal with is another club trying to take our shit.”

Willy and Bean didn’t argue. No one argued with the Prez.

“The Hell’s Wolves MC has been sniffing around a little too long. We may need to pay them a visit, and show them who’s boss,” Fly said.

Saint knocked his fingers on the table. “I’ll set a meet up with Pipe, make sure he knows to stay well back. We don’t need a war with those fuckers.”

“It’s going to happen. The Wolves have been trying to poach on our territory for years,” Pea said. “I heard some of their bitches went into Dirty Deeds, trying to lure Sarah and Elena away. They know we own the shop.”

Dirty Deeds was the sex shop that they owned, and they had Sarah and Elena run it. What people didn’t know was that Elena was Saint’s younger sister, and Sarah was the deputy’s woman. Ralf was once a club member, and if the brothers were to vote, still was, but he wanted a chance with Sarah, so he’d taken the job as a deputy.

“Elena didn’t tell me about this,” Saint said.

“She left a message for you to call her back. It happened this afternoon,” Pea said, taking out a piece of paper, throwing it across the table.

Rage was pissed. He’d been at the shop this afternoon, and he’d been fucking Penny. The apartment was soundproof, which was one of the reasons Rage had loved it.

“I thought you were out at the shop this afternoon,” Pea said.

Turning toward the brother, he noticed all focus was now on him. “I was.”

“Why didn’t you do anything?”

He turned toward Saint, waiting for his permission to speak. “You may as well tell them. They’ll find out soon enough.”

The brothers tensed up.

“I was at the shop today, only I was with Penny.”