Page 33 of Bring Me Back

Chapter 15


The next night

I can’t believeI’ve agreed to come to this club. It’s brand new, just opening last year, from what Adrian told me. It is packed, smells of sweat, booze, and sex, and I have already allowed myself to have two drinks. I asked Claire if she wanted to come, but she’d decided against it.

I am kind of glad it is just Adrian and me, to be honest. I like being with him, and even though I’ve questioned a lot of things, I also feel something with him I have never felt with anyone else.

He makes me feel like I can breathe, and if that isn’t a sign that this is a good thing, I don’t know what would be.

“Dance with me?” he asks. This is the third time he’s brought it up, but until I feel a buzz there is no way I am getting on that dance floor.

Now though? I feel loose enough and free to agree.

I nod and watch his grin spread across his face.

We move into the thick crowd, who are already gyrating together. It is like watching people have sex, although everyone is dressed … or partially anyway. As it is I feel like I am going to church with my outfit when every other female is wearing barely anything at all.

The song that starts next is not really slow, but it is pretty sexualized. Adrian wraps his hand around my waist, pulls me in close, and I let out a gust of air. I feel the arousal from Adrian pulse around me like the music.

We start moving together, pressed impossibly close together, swaying with the music. We are moving slower than everyone else. As I stare at his face, feeling the alcohol move through my veins and the buzz consume me, I let the wall I always have in place down.

The darkness, and flashing neon lighting seems to make the entire atmosphere more sexually charged. Of course the fact I am insanely attracted to Adrian doesn’t hurt.

“You feel that?” he asks right by my ear, and I feel myself nodding before the words actually register. “Yeah, there’s no way you don’t, Skylar.” He has his hand on the center of my back, pulling me impossibly closer. “Tell me this is just as fucking intense for you as it is for me.”

I stare right in his eyes, lick my lips, and nod slowly. “It is.” The music is so loud it is hard to hear myself think, but it seems to all start to fade until it is just the two of us. I shift and feel his leg slide between mine, his knee right up against the most intimate part of me.

Heat engulfs me, and pleasure slams into me.

Everything else fades and I just let myself … feel.

The friction and pressure of that limb causes my pussy to become wet. I am so hot, not just from the temperature surrounding us, but the fact my body wants Adrian. My nipples feel hard, and I have trouble breathing.

Adrian leans in, sliding his fingertips slowly over my lower back, and I feel like my skin has caught fire. He pulls me harder against his chest and moves his mouth to my ear once more. “This isn’t just a passing feeling for me, Skylar.”

I close my eyes and take a stuttering breath in.

“I care about you.” He pulls back. “I want you as mine.”

“I care about you, too,” I whisper and move my hands up his thickly corded and muscular arms. I curl my fingers into his t-shirt covered shoulders. This is certainly not how I ever act, but I feel free with Adrian.

I want him.

In this moment I want to say screw the night club and have Adrian take me back to his place. I want to be with him, to give myself to the boy who has made me see there is light in darkness.

“I’m in the mood to say let’s forget about this place and go somewhere quiet.” He pulls back an inch and cups my cheek. “We can just talk, Skylar. All I want is to be close to you without all this noise. I just want to hold you and say fuck everything else.”

That sounds like the best idea either of us has had all night.

“Let’s go back to your house.” We can see where things go. If we just sit on his couch and talk all night, that will be fine with me.

But I want him.

I want him to be my first, and I am ready to put my past behind me and give in.