Page 27 of Bring Me Back

Chapter 12


So Claire isn’t sobad. She talks constantly on the way over to the fight, but I am only partly listening. Most girls I know thrust out their chests, or try to tell me how many other guys they have screwed. Claire rambles on about her latest classes, which are interesting, even if I didn’t take any of them.

“Have you figured out what you’re going to do?” Claire asks.

“About what?”

“With Sky and her hot date.”

“He’s not hot.”

“He totally is.”

“Is not.”

“Hot. Hot. Hot. Hot. Hot.”

“How old are you?”

“Old enough to know that right now, you’re going to suck, big time! Royally suck. If you ever want her, you’re going to have to do better than this.” Claire sighs. “I’m bored.”

“You didn’t have to come,” I remind her.

“Puuhlease. You’re going to make a total ass of yourself, and it’s going to be up to me to save you.”

“I’m going to make sure Skylar’s okay, and then I’m going to take her home.”

“You’re going to be completely lame to her. I get it.”

Claire is starting to annoy me. “You didn’t have to come.”

“You’re starting to sound like a broken record with that.” She lets out a sigh. “Oh, men. You don’t know when to stop.”

I don’t get time to respond as I pull into the back of the parking lot, and there is Skylar, and that bastard Adrian has his arm wrapped around her. I don’t like how cozy they look. She is mine, always has been. Slamming on the breaks, I ignore Claire’s warnings and climb out of the car.

“Holden!” Claire shouts my name.

“Holden?” I hear Skylar say, followed by, “What are you doing here?”

I don’t like it. Every second that passes, I feel like I am losing her. I can’t tell Alex what I am feeling. Hey, Alex, tell your sister to stay away from Adrian. Why, you ask? Because I fucking want her.

Yeah, none of that conversation is going to go down well.

“What the hell are you doing, Skylar?” I ask.

“I’m sorry, sweetie. I tried to stop him but he’s got a huge head.” Claire didn’t look at me as she spoke to Skylar.

“I don’t need your help here.” I turn to glare at Claire. “You shouldn’t have let her go.”

“Last time I checked, I was her friend and roommate, not her parent, or overbearing brother.” Claire winks at me.

“Not that it’s any of your business, Holden. I’m on a date. A date with Adrian.”

“No, you’re not. Do you even know who he is?” I ask.

“Dude, you don’t have to go there,” Adrian says.