Page 22 of Bring Me Back

“We can be rebels, and we can do it safely. I’m happy taking you out, but you’ve got to follow protocol on my bike.”

“Fine. Fine.”

“You’ll love it when you don’t have to wear a helmet though. It will happen.”

I sigh, and wait by his bike. He straddles the machine and I climb on behind him. “You’ve got to put your arms around me, babe.”

I love how he calls me babe. It’s sweet and charming, and it makes me wonder if he sees me as such.

Wrapping my arms around his waist, I wonder if that’s too much. He grabs my arms and secures them tighter.

“You may have the helmet, but you’re going to love this.”

Before I can question him, he pulls away from the dorm, and we’re traveling really fast down the long road. I can’t even contain my excitement. Crying out, I watch the road ahead, and then close my eyes, loving the rush of wind on my face. He rides the bike expertly, and I know I’m going to be begging for another ride.

I want to know what it would be like with my hair down, and the wind rushing over him.

“You love it?” he shouts.

“You know it, I do.”

Hugging him tightly, I already love our first date, and I don’t even care if it’s too early to assume that we are dating.

The ride doesn’t last long at all, and we are pulling up to an old abandoned warehouse. Several cars and bikes are already parked, but Adrian doesn’t seem concerned by that.

“It’s going to be a party tonight,” he says, parking the bike.

“Is this dangerous?” I never thought for a second that I would be nervous.

“It is, but like I said, you don’t have to worry about anything. I’ll protect, and look after you.”

Taking a deep breath, I take hold of his hand, and we’re moving through the crowds. What I notice is that they’re people of all ages. This is not just college or high school kids, there are older people here. I am sure I see a couple of men and women in their late forties.

“Are you sure this is legal?”

“Babe, I never said it was legal. I said it would be fun.”

He doesn’t release me, and I am happy about that. This is so far out of my comfort zone.

“I don’t know.”

“Stop stressing. Everyone here has something else they want to be doing, and it’s not attacking you. Besides, I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise.”

I wonder if that will extend to when he’s in the middle of actually fighting. I hate the way my hands have gone all clammy. The first real taste of freedom, I’m fucking it up.

Deciding to embrace the unknown, I push aside my doubts and focus on what is ahead of me. I look around the large abandoned grounds, and everyone is either talking or shooting the shit with each other.

“Hey, what’s up, what’s up. Adrian, the dog, is here, and y’all are going to the ground.” A large guy walks toward us. I don’t even recognize him, and he is way older than either of us.

“Eric, man, of course I’d show up. You know I’m not the kind to turn down a fight.”

“And I like that about you. Now, who is this delicious morsel?” Eric looks at me and licks his lips.

Yeah, my comfort scale is tipped to the more uncomfortable side.

“She’s mine, Eric, back off.”

He did!

Eric immediately backs off, and it is then that I notice that everyone keeps a wide berth from Adrian. Who is this guy?