“And she will. We’ll both do this.”

She turned to him. “You’re going to spoil her rotten, and be the best dad in the world.”

“I’m going to try.” He cupped her cheek. “We’re going to have a baby.”

It was more real now than any other time for them. The first scan hadn’t seemed real to them. In this one though, Mel could see the outline of her baby.

“You gave up so much for Penny. She doesn’t know the extent of the stress you went through. I know without a doubt that you’re going to be the best mom in the world, Mel.”

“I’m not afraid anymore, Pea. I want her so much.” She looked toward him, and placed his hand on her stomach. “This is our future.”

“I’m not going anywhere. I told you, Mel. I’m here for life. No more fighting, no more women for me, or men for you. Just each other.”

It was a vow they had made, and he reaffirmed it.

“You’re my family, for the rest of our life.”

He took her lips in a possessive kiss, and she loved his touch, gasping for more.

This man was her soulmate. She’d been the one fighting the truth for so long, and she was just thankful she’d not lost him before realizing it.


The heat was driving Mel crazy, so Pea had set up a blanket in the shade in the local park. Kids were running around, and several of the club brothers were there. Time had passed, and in a few weeks, Prue was going to get them to raise money for the repairs on the library. For the single men, it was offering kisses for money. The ones that had a woman, they were offering bike rides. Then of course they were volunteering at the bake sale, and other stuff like that.

Prue was really making them all suffer for the date she’d been on. From what Pea heard, it had gone really well.

Mel collapsed on the ground. “I’m dying.”

She was wearing a skirt and a long shirt that helped to hide her very round stomach. There were only a couple of months left to go until they saw their little girl. Pea couldn’t wait. Every time they went shopping and he saw something cute like a teddy bear, or some baby clothing that he thought would look cute, he’d buy it. Mel had asked him not to in case there was some kind of bad luck.

He had a closet full at his club. There was even a lock on the closet door so Mel couldn’t sneak a look. He told her it was full of crap she didn’t want to deal with. She’d left it alone, and he was thankful. The brothers had also promised to keep his spending spree secret.

“This heat is a killer.”

“Are you offering rides on your bike to help raise money?”

“Yep. I was thinking of charging fifty dollars to cop a feel as well.”

She burst out laughing. “You’d crash your bike.”

“Have you seen how bad the library is? Prue wants to keep her job, and I want our kid to be well-read. I’m going to offer bike rides, nothing else.”

“I didn’t think you would.” She held onto the back of his head, and tugged him close. “I love you.”

“Babe, we’re going to need to get home soon.”


“Because the way I feel about you is not appropriate to show the park.”

He loved making her laugh, and he’d do it all day long. The musical sound of her voice always calmed him.

When Mel needed to use the bathroom, he packed up the blanket, and the small picnic he’d brought, and glanced around the park. Something didn’t sit right with him, and as he looked at each person, he tried to make sense of the fear that suddenly gripped him.

Without wasting a second, he made his way toward the bathrooms, and there were several kids milling around.

Mel came out with a hand on her stomach. He pulled her into his arms, kissing her head.