“Jules?” He says my name like he’s been saying it his whole life. His eyes move between me, and where I’m looking. Remington’s gaze is fire and fury, and I can feel it penetrating my skin, looking right through me even from this distance.

“Uhh yeah, what’s up?” I force my gaze back to him, avoiding Remington’s stare at all costs. Cole continues looking at the group of guys, and it feels like he’s piecing something together in his mind, then he blinks, and looks back down at me, a smile on his lips.

“Text me, okay?” he asks and I nod, watching him walk over to the group of guys.

For a moment I just stand there staring, my eyes bleeding into Remington’s. Eyes that I remember being filled with so much happiness and excitement…eyes that belong to someone that I thought would be my best friend forever, and maybe lover?

Shaking my head, I tell myself to let it go, before releasing a sigh. Then I turn around, deciding to take the long way around campus, and back to the house I share with the two other girls that go to school here, two girls that would probably die if someone like Cole looked at them. Two girls that aren’t me.

I thought going to a new college would be rough.

I never expected Remington to be here though.

Chapter Three


Seeing her with Cole Robson shouldn’t have bothered me, not really. So why the fuck did it feel like someone was stabbing me in the heart over and over again with a fucking fork? I tried to ignore the pain, but it was far too noticeable, and that only annoyed me more.

Knowing she’s here, at Northwoods, at my fucking school, irritates me beyond belief. I want to tell her to leave, to turn the fuck around and go back to wherever she came from, but I won’t. Instead, I’m going to do the next best thing and make her life a living hell.

The odds of me getting her to leave town on her own is slim to none, but if I push her, force her out of this town with tear-stained cheeks I doubt she’ll return ever again.

The music from the party downstairs vibrates through the walls and the floor. Fuck, the frat house is packed tonight. Alan sure spread the word about tonight. The first huge party of the semester and we were going to do our legendary bet tonight.

“Heard you fucked Layla again?” Thomas nudges my arm. Fucking the same woman twice wasn’t really my thing. I rarely ever had sex with the same woman, however, there weren’t a lot of women as good at blow jobs as she was. Still, I hadn’t had sex with her more than once. If she referred to blow jobs as sex, then that was all her doing.

“I didn’t fuck her. She sucked my dick, there’s a difference,” I chide, taking a long pull from the bottle of beer in my hands. After finding out Jules was here…I’m going to need a lot more beer and a lot more pussy.

“Alright boys, you got your picks ready?” Cole questions with excitement handing out a stack of square pieces of papers and pens after setting the NWU hat in the center of the table.

“You know the rules. The girls must be present at the party,” I announce, giving Thomas a knowing look. He’s notorious for dropping names of girls into the hat that don’t even show up at parties, making it ten times harder to win. Not that winning gets you much of anything other than bragging rights, it sucks when you don’t get any pussy for six weeks though. I take another pull from my beer bottle, letting the cold liquid cool my heated insides.

“Shut up, Rem!” He rolls his eyes, taking a chug from his glass. I chuckle and write the first three girls’ names down that came up and talked to me, then I toss them into the hat. Kia, Thomas, Cole, and Alan do the same, and soon the hat is full of unsuspecting partygoers names. Names of women that won’t even realize how much their lives are going to be changing in the next six weeks.

“So remember, if she’s a virgin, you get more points. Anything other than sex isn’t fulfilling the bet. Winner takes bragging rights and doesn’t have to do any house party cleaning for the next six months. At the six week point, you have to break it off with her and let her know it was nothing more than a bet. If you can’t do it, or you fail to do it, then you forfeit your bet and lose.”

“Thank you for explaining the rules, Captain Obvious.” Though a refresher on said rules never hurt anyone.

Alan gives the hat a good shake, almost losing some pieces of paper in the process. A nervous kind of energy runs through me. Why the fuck do I feel so nervous? I have no reason to be…I’ve done this many times. Plus, it’s just fucking. Completely harmless, all fun.