I thought maybe, just maybe he would be happy to see me, whenever we saw each other again but I thought wrong. Still, even if he didn’t want to see me, I didn’t expect him to treat me so shitty. I’m so engrossed in thinking about Remmy that I almost don’t notice the guy beside me staring. Why is he staring at me? Is there something on my face?

Tapping my pen on my notepad impatiently, I wait for the class to be let out. I try to ignore the feeling of his eyes on me and focus on the board for a few more minutes. The professor says something about an assignment he’ll be sending to our emails, and then everyone starts moving, shuffling out of the classroom. I blink, slowly realizing I just daydreamed through an entire class.

“It’s Cole, by the way,” the guy who has been staring at me for at least the last ten minutes finally says. He holds out his hand right as I stand and like the people pleaser I am, I take it, shaking it. I know it’s a strange thing to do, but I’m old-school like that. He oozes confidence that’s almost contagious.

“Jules,” I tell him as he holds on to my hand a moment longer than necessary, bringing it to his lips as if he’s some Romeo. He plants a soft kiss to the very top of it, and I shiver a moment before he releases me.

“Jules. Mmmm, that’s a beautiful name.” He smiles, showing me his perfectly straight, white teeth. “Would you like to come to a party tonight, Jules?”

I clutch my notebook to my chest and consider his question.

Would I like to go to a party? It probably wouldn’t be a bad idea for me to go, to get out and socialize but after the day I’ve had, I think I’ll pass.

“Oh, no, thank you. I just moved here. I haven’t even unpacked yet and I need to catch up on the classes I’ve missed. Homework doesn’t do itself.” A bubble of laughter slips past my lips and I realize just how dumb I sound. This day has gone to shit, and truthfully, I just need to go back to my room, lay down and read a book. There’s nothing that a good book can’t cure.

“Sounds like coming to a party is exactly what you need if you ask me. You look stressed and like you might need to relax for a few hours. Find something to distract you from all the craziness.” He pauses briefly, his blue eyes moving to my lips. “You know, forget about your problems?”

Relax? Find a distraction?

Maybe he is right, maybe I need to do something to distract me.

“I’ll think about it.”

“Cool. Let me give you my number. You can text me if you decide to come. I’ll send you the address.” I chew on my bottom lip for a moment, a nervous habit of mine. Do I really want to give this guy my number?

In the back of my mind I know I should do it…I’m young, and new here, how the hell am I going to make friends or enjoy college if all I do is stay in my room? If I don’t give my number out, or hang out with anyone? What do I have to worry about? Deciding against the paranoia, I decide to give him my number.

“Sure.” I smile, and pull my phone out, watching as his eyes light up. A warm feeling tingles through me as he rattles off the number and I type it into my phone. Then I send him a quick text with a smiling emoji so he knows it’s me.

“Thanks, Jules, and seriously, consider coming out tonight. I’ll introduce you to everyone, show you the ropes.” He winks, and I find myself grinning.

It’s so strange to smile and laugh when I feel like I shouldn’t be.

“Alright, Cole.” I bat my eyelashes at him, and we walk out of class together. It almost feels normal to be talking to a guy. Up until today, I never really took notice of men.

Not that I didn’t notice them, but more like I kept them at arm’s length. Losing Remington killed me and pushed me to focus on nothing more than my grades. Love, boys, relationships, totally out of the question. At least until now.

“Where are you headed?” Cole questions as we walk down the sidewalk.

“I’m just going back to my room for a couple of hours. My next class is at two,” I divulge. The sound of laughter ahead catches my attention and I lift my gaze, my eyes landing on a group of guys, four of them to be exact, one of them being Remington. My feet feel like cinder blocks and I stop dead in my tracks, while Cole continues walking forward until he realizes that I’m no longer beside him.