“I’m close…if you don’t want me to come in your pretty little mouth then pull away now,” he whispers gruffly, his chest rising and falling rapidly, and while I want to do that sometime, tonight isn’t the night.

Releasing him with a pop, I watch as he falls apart, tremors of pleasure ripple through his body and his cock twitches in my hand a moment before sticky hot cum jets from his cock, landing on my hands and his lower stomach. His whole body tenses before he relaxes back into the mattress and only then do I pull my hand away.

“Was it good?” I gulp.

He came yeah, but was it enjoyable? Maybe that’s what I should have asked?

“Jules, it was amazing, good isn’t even close to the word I would use to describe what that was. I’ve never even…. It was hot as fuck, incredible.”

I’m stupid proud myself, I get up and go to the bathroom to wash my hands and Remmy follows close behind, cleaning himself up.

When he is done, we get back into bed and he pulls me into his side so I’m lying half on top of him. My body relaxes into his and it doesn’t take me long before I feel like drifting off to sleep. I want this to be real, I want to trust him, to go back to the way it used to be between us, but I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet.

Chapter Fifteen


Yawning, I open my eyes, wondering if last night was a dream. Then I look down and see Jules is still in bed with me, her body molded into my side. My arm is stiff from holding onto her all night, but I don’t care. I just didn’t want to wake up without her.

I watch her sleep for a few minutes, my eyes lingering on her soft lips, adorable little nose, and tight body. She let me touch her last night, let me bring her pleasure. It was incredible, and soul-searing if it was only fingering. As the thoughts linger, my cock hardens… fuck no. Grabbing my phone from the nightstand to distract myself, I realize we’ve overslept.

Fuck, it’s ten, English class is in an hour.

Nothing could get me out of this bed for one of my classes right now, but this is the one and only class I share with Jules and I know her well enough to know that she will be freaking out if we miss a class.

“Jules,” I whisper while giving her a gentle shake.

“Mmhhh.” She cuddles deeper into my side, and I seriously consider calling Seb and asking him to somehow have English class canceled. Staying here in bed with her would be worth it but knowing how upset she would be to miss class has me deciding against it.

“Jules, it’s ten in the morning,” I whisper and that seems to get her attention because her eyes fly open and she sits up, rubbing them furiously with her hands.

“What?! Ten? It’s ten?” She blinks a couple of times, giving me a disbelieving look. “We have class in an hour!”

There’s a permanent grin on my face. She hops off the bed and starts running around the room like a chicken with her head cut off while I remain sitting on the bed, enjoying the view.

“Get up, you need to drop me off at my place. I still have to get my bag, and clothes, and brush my teeth.” She’s almost yelling at me, all while tugging on the corner of the blanket. A feeble attempt to get me out of bed, but one that works.

“Okay, okay, I’m up,” I mumble, shoving from the bed. I pull on a pair of jeans a t-shirt and grab my phone and keys. When we get in the car and I pull out onto the road, I notice Jules nervously playing with the hem of her shirt and I can’t be one hundred percent sure but I don’t think that it’s her worrying about being late for class.

“You okay?” I ask but she averts her gaze out the window and I wish she would let me see her face so I could figure out what’s going on inside her head.

“I don’t know,” she finally whispers and an ache forms deep in my belly, the feeling similar to being punched in the stomach. She seemed so happy last night, so sure. I should have known that she’d come to her senses in the morning.

We were just pretending…

“Are we okay? I mean, I know what you said last night, but did you really mean it?”

My knuckles turn white against the steering wheel. “Yes, of course, I meant everything I said last night. I’m a man of my word, Jules.”

“You said we can’t be friends. But…I don’t know if I can be more right now. I want to…but I want to be with the guy you were last night, the Remmy I know…but there is this other side of you, and now that I’ve seen it. While I don’t think I can forget that part of you exists. I don’t know if I can trust you to not turn into that person again?”