Using his knee, he nudges my legs apart before he settles the full weight of his body on top of mine. He feels good, sparks of pleasure rocket through me, but my mind is still confused, telling me I shouldn’t want this. It’s almost like my body and my mind are not on the same page anymore.

“I think I should go home,” I whisper, looking up into his eyes, but they aren’t the same eyes I’ve come to know. They’re darker and hold a darkness. I wait for the fear to come, but it never does. I don’t understand why I’m not scared, why I’m still lying on the bed.

“No, you don’t, you like this. I know you do. Just let me make you feel good and then I’ll take you home, promise.” His voice drops. His lips find my skin and he peppers sloppy kisses against my throat. His lips on the tender skin is overwhelming my senses, but the voice in my head is nagging, telling me that this is wrong, and it’s getting louder with each kiss he gives me.

He grinds his pelvis into my center and I can feel his hardness rubbing between my legs. Why does this feel so good when I know it shouldn’t? My body is telling me to give in, to just take this mind-blowing pleasure but my mind, my brain, is fighting back, demanding I stop this.

Cole lifts his head and tries to kiss me, but I twist my head just in time so his lips press against my cheek instead. I know I don’t want to kiss him. I’ve only ever wanted to kiss Remmy.

My best friend. My protector.


Something inside my brain snaps. I don’t want this…I don’t want Cole. I’ve only ever wanted Remington.

“Stop! I don’t want this.” My voice is much smaller now than I want it to be, but Cole doesn’t stop touching me. This is wrong, so wrong.

I shove at his chest, but he doesn’t budge, in fact, he uses his weight to press me farther into the mattress, making it hard for me to breathe. His fingers dig into my flesh, holding me in place, making it impossible for me to escape. He’s holding me hard enough to leave bruises, but I feel no pain. I feel nothing but this deep primal need to let him keep going. But this isn’t me, and he isn’t who I want.

“Please, stop,” I try again, wishing that Remmy was here now.

I don’t want Cole all over me, but I don’t have the strength to push him off. I whimper, struggling once more against his grip. His teeth sink into my earlobe and I shove him again.

Suddenly, I hear what sounds like a door opening. My vision is blurry, and I can’t tell who it is that’s stepped into the room. In the next instant, Cole’s body is ripped away and for once I feel like I can breathe. My gaze swings around the bed, trying to figure out what’s happening. Where did Cole go?

As if my silent prayers were answered, Remmy appears before me. He’s standing next to the bed looking down at me with nothing but pure rage in his beautifully haunted eyes. I should probably be scared, but for some reason, all I can feel is an enormous relief. He looks like a Greek god, and normally I would be hating his presence but, in this instance, I just want to wrap my arms around him and ask him why he hates me so much.

“Did you give her something?” His voice sounds like a thunderstorm and the lightning in that storm is about to strike Cole dead.

“I just gave her a little E.”

“You gave her ecstasy? What the fuck is wrong with you?” Remmy’s voice seems to grow louder and louder with every word he says.

“What’s it matter? She wanted it. She was pawing at me, asking to come up here.”

Remmy’s eyes move between Cole and me, and I wonder what he’s thinking. His gaze rakes over my naked body. I should feel the need to cover up, but I don’t. I don’t understand what is wrong with me, all I know is that there is in fact something wrong with me.

“Is this what you wanted, Jules?” Remmy finally breaks the silence.

“No,” I answer honestly. “I asked him to stop, but he wouldn’t.” Then as if my confession has sparked a forest fire inside Remmy, he’s on Cole, his fist smashing into his face. I watch emotionlessly as Remmy pummels his face into the floor, never giving Cole a chance to come up for air.

“I’ll fucking kill you for touching her…kill you,” he growls. “You’re nothing but a piece of shit, a fucking rapist.”

“Remmy!” I call out to him, but he’s still caught up in his aggression, so I get up from the bed, and pad over to him, my body zinging with pleasure as I grab onto his bulging bicep. My eyes move over Cole’s bloody and bruised face, but no emotions come. I should care, it’s not like me to not care, but I don’t.