“Smile for me.”
She frowned, but then gave him what he wanted. Piper owed him everything, and would do anything he asked. Smiling was such a simple request, so where was the harm?
“You have the most beautiful smile,” he said.
“There are a lot of women who’ll smile for you. All you need to do is ask.” She clasped her hands together in her lap. Glancing behind her, she saw Leon was handling her table.
“Do you like working here?” he asked.
“Yes. It’s fun, and everyone is wonderful.”
“I’m glad.”
Piper didn’t know what else to say. This man was her savior, and she never wanted to do anything that would jeopardize that. “Have you made any new business ventures?” she asked.
“One, a nightclub in the city.”
“Wow, that is a pretty big venture. What’s it like?” She listened as he described everything about the club. She saw how animated he was about it, and she found it infectious.
They were so preoccupied that neither of them saw they had company until the woman slapped her hand on the table. “What the hell is this trash doing here?” the woman asked.
Piper jumped and quickly stood. “I’m so sorry.”
“Piper, sit down,” Jack said.
“I didn’t—”
He glared. Piper lowered herself down into the seat.
“Is this the way you want to play it?” The woman looked at her and snorted. “You like playing with the fat chicks. I get it. I’m not good enough—”
Each little comment hurt Piper. She didn’t allow it to show. What was the point? The woman didn’t care. In all of her twenty-one years, Piper had learned that no one cared about the damage they caused to others. It wasn’t a physical hit, but it hurt even more.
She’d done the whole weight loss thing, and it only made her depressed. One life was all she got to live, and she didn’t want to live it eating celery. Who really did that, anyway? Who lived on celery and actually called that living?
“Drake, please take a seat. I’ll deal with this.”
Pipe watched as Jack got to his feet and grabbed the woman’s arm, to which she gasped, crying out.
“I’m causing trouble again, aren’t I?” Piper asked, wincing.
“Not at all.” Drake leaned back, resting his hands behind his head. “You do know she was just a fuck to him.”
Again, Piper winced. “I don’t really think about it.” She didn’t want to think about other women with Jack. The very thought made her depressed, and she refused to be.
Forcing herself to stare at Drake, she saw he was assessing her. “You still hold that aura of innocence,” he said.
“Aura of innocence? Have you been reading those weird medium books again?”
In the last four years she’d learned a lot about Drake and his love of reading. He didn’t want to go to school, but he loved books.
“Not today.”
She bit her lip, and glanced behind her. “Do you think I should get up?”
“No. Jack told you to stay, so stay.”
Piper wondered what the hell was going on. She hated getting in his way, even if it was just a woman for him to have sex with.