Two years later
“The baby is coming,” Piper said, screaming from the kitchen.
“What did she say?” Jack asked, looking up at Drake and Brian. They were in the garden trying to assemble the tree house when they heard her scream.
“Something is coming?” Drake looked to Brian. “What did you hear?”
“A scream. She probably burnt some cookies,” Brian said.
Jack went back to tightening the screws when her screams came, and with it, clarity on what she’d said.
“Holy shit.” He threw everything down, and rushed inside.
“Where the hell were you?” she asked.
Her waters had broken, and he was panicking.
“Shit, I didn’t even hear you. I’m so sorry.”
“Keys and the car, Jack.”
“Yes, Mrs. Sosa.” He urged her toward the car with Drake and Brian following behind him. He got her in the car, and was holding her hand as he rushed toward the hospital.
“It hurts.”
“I know, baby, I know.”
Two years they had been trying for a baby, and then nine months ago last September, they had finally conceived. Life with Piper, being married to Piper, was pure bliss. It had its ups and downs, but for the most part, it was perfect.
He never told a lie, always told her the truth, and never hurt anyone that didn’t deserve it.
In the early days it had been difficult. He didn’t want her to know the truth, but the more he told her, the easier their life become. He no longer needed to hide, and this gave them both a freedom. Jack still killed people. His line of work meant he couldn’t stop. Piper never needed to know about the people he killed or the reasons why. Providing he protected her, it didn’t matter to her.
Parking in front of the hospital, he was about to ease Piper out when she screamed, and started to push.
“Get the fucking doctors,” Jack said, moving beside his wife. “Piper, tell me what to do.”
“He’s coming, Jack. Our son is coming. I can’t—”
She stopped and released a scream.
Kneeling down in front of her, he lifted up her dress, and nearly fainted himself. He saw the head of his son, and he was coming.
“Holy shit.”
“Please don’t leave me,” she said.
“Never, baby. I made a vow remember. I’ll never leave you.”
And so there in the parking lot, Jack helped his wife give birth to his son, who he had in his arms as the doctors came out. He’d wrapped their boy in his shirt, and was holding him. Everything became a blur as the medical staff took over. He wouldn’t let their son go. In one arm he held his son, and in the other, he held his wife’s hand.
Once Piper was taken care, and safe, he handed their son to her.
“Oh, Jack, we did it,” she said.
“No, you did it.” He kissed her head.
“We did it. I love you, Jack,” she said. “The best day of my life was meeting you.”
Pressing his lips against hers, he smiled at her. “You saved me that day, and you showed me what life really is all about.”
Stroking a finger down his son’s cheek, he smiled. He had a family, a woman who loved him, and he truly believed he had friends.
Piper really was his angel.
The End