I shiver involuntarily, the gruffness of his voice, the truth in his words. They light a flame of pleasure in my core. I still want to be the one to rescue myself, but there isn’t any harm in letting a man cherish my body, my heart. Or letting three do so, all at once.

“I know, you’ve said that a few times now, but I still feel bad.”

“Well, don’t… in fact…” He presses a kiss to the sensitive spot right below my ear, and I already know what he’s thinking. Mostly because I’m thinking it too. Tenderly he sucks on the flesh, and I find my fingers circling around the pencil a little tighter.

“I can’t focus with you doing that…” My voice is breathless, my thoughts swirling, heading to a place that involves both of us naked, sweating, and not doing homework.

“That’s the point, baby,” he whispers into the shell of my ear, before scraping his teeth across the flesh that he just sucked on. The sensation is like fire and ice. Pain and pleasure.

My nipples harden against the fabric of my bra, and I drop my pencil. Oliver lets out a low chuckle, and together we shove everything into our backpacks. Before I can start walking toward the exit, he takes my hand in his and tugs me toward him.

Giving him a confused look, I let him guide me wherever it is he wants to take me. A short walk later, we’re in what looks to be an upper part of the library. Old books surround us, and dust clings to the air like it’s a second skin. Oliver pulls me over to a door that has a little sign on it that says DO NOT ENTER.

“What are we doing?” I whisper, afraid that we’ll get caught being somewhere that we clearly shouldn’t be.

“Fucking,” Oliver grins at me over his shoulder, “that is if you want to.” The way his teeth sink into his bottom lip, and the deepness of his voice as he speaks, it all acts as a firework to my already throbbing center.

Closing the door behind us, I don’t wait to ask him any more questions. I want him, and I want him now. Like a hungry kitten, I pounce, gently shoving him against a nearby bookcase. He grins down at me, two beautiful dimples appearing on his face.

“You’re so fucking beautiful and perfect, Harlow. I know you think that everything bad that happens is your fault, but you don’t see the joy that you bring. You don’t see how happy you make us; how much better our lives are because of you.”

I gasp, because his words touch me, not in a sexual way, but in a way that makes the gnawing guilt a little more bearable.

“I don’t deserve you,” I whisper, pushing up on to my tiptoes. Slanting my lips against his, I kiss him with a hunger that rivals all others. And he gives it right back to me, biting at my bottom lip, and squeezing my hips in a way that makes me groan deeply into his mouth.

Our tongues collide, and in this moment, he’s thunder, and I’m lightning. The perfect elements for a storm. Brushing my chest against his, I wonder if he can feel how hard my nipples are, how much they ache to be in his mouth?

Breaking the kiss, he nudges me backward until my ass hits the edge of a desk. I’m grinning like a fool, my hands slip under his shirt, and move over the perfectly sculpted muscles there. He’s ripped, and all I can think about is kissing each and every little bruise, tending to his every want and need.

Before I can get that far though, he’s on me, his hands tugging at my shirt, his mouth sucking at my flesh. All I can hear is our heavy pants and my own pulse in my ears. With my shirt off, he pushes my bra straps off my shoulders and removes each breast from its cup before taking a pebbled nipple into his mouth.

My fingers cut through his hair, and I hold his head in place as pleasure flickers deep inside my core.

“Don’t stop, don’t stop,” I pant, wondering if he’s going to get me off with nothing but his tongue on my nipple.

“Oh, don’t worry, I won’t,” he smirks around my nipple, releasing it with a loud pop so he can pay the other side the same attention. I can feel how wet I am for him already and know it won’t take much to make me come.

“Pants,” he orders, reminding me that I’ve still got them on. While he peppers kisses against my chest, I undo the button on my jeans and slide them down my thighs, kicking them away once they reach my feet.

Oliver breaks away to undo his own bottoms, and within seconds we’re both naked. Even in the dim lighting of the room, I can see that his cock is swollen and angry looking. There’s a drop of pre-cum on the tip that I crave to lick away.