“I love you, Daisy, and I will love you for the rest of my life.”

“And I will love you for the rest of my life, William.”

He felt her relax against him. Together they stared into the burning fire. He’d hold onto her for the rest of his life. She was worth more to him than any precious jewel or loving memory.

She owned his heart, and for the rest of their lives, Daisy would be his.


Peter locked the apartment door behind him. It was growing colder as the winter months were starting to close in. He turned the heating on then the hot water. In a few minutes he’d be able to take a much needed bath. When William had asked him to share Daisy, he’d thought he was insane. He’d seen the love his friend and boss had for Daisy. It was the same kind of love he felt for Laura.

Don’t do it, man. Don’t go there.

He’d been closing his feelings off for some time. The thought of being around Laura and seeing how happy she was hurt him. He loved her so damn much, and he’d spent a great deal of time wasting his feelings away. If only he hadn’t been so anxious to fit in at school it might have worked. Nothing mattered. She was happily married with a couple of kids. Dean was never going to give his wife up. He loved her just as much as Peter did. Dean was a big time author. He made a great deal of money and wrote some pretty erotic books.

Peter respected the guy even if he didn’t like him most of the time.

He was about to go into the bath-tub when a knock came at the door. Peter growled in frustration and then decided to open it. He went to the door unlocked it and was about to shout when he saw a teary-eyed Laura on his doorstep.

The moment he saw the tears he pulled her into his arms. “What’s the matter?” he asked. Her tears always undid him. It was the hardest thing he’d ever dealt with.

“I-I-I need to talk to someone. I’ve got no one else, and they wouldn’t understand.” Peter pulled her inside then locked the door.

“Where are the little ones?” he asked.

“At home with Dean. I had to come and see you. I didn’t know what else to do,” Laura said.

He sat down on the sofa staring at her. She was so beautiful with all her hair falling wildly around her shoulders. Peter shook his head. She didn’t need him to be gawking at her like some love-struck teenager.

“What’s the matter?” he asked. “Does Dean know you’re here?”

“I think he does. I told him I need time to think. He says everything is fine, but I’m not su

re any more. He keeps everything from me now.”

Peter was confused. “I haven’t seen you guys in a while. Start from the beginning.”

“I thought Dean was having an affair. He was always going away on his trips, and then he was distant when he came back. I was so scared. We’ve been fighting a lot more, and I wanted another baby, but he doesn’t want one.” She licked her lips. Peter took her hand as the tears began to fall faster. “I accused him of having an affair. We screamed, and he convinced me he wasn’t having an affair.”

“Okay, so why are you coming to me, Laura? Hire a private investigator or something.”

“That’s not all of it. I can’t handle this, Peter. It is too much.”

“What?” he asked.

“A couple of days ago we were fighting again. The kids were at school and nursery. We were yelling, and I asked why he didn’t want another baby. I asked if it was my body and everything.”

Peter stared at her curves. Even after giving birth she looked sexy to him. He’d love to see her naked.

Dude, now is not the time. Laura needs you.

“What happened?”

“He told me there were not going to be any more children. I asked him why, and he said he wouldn’t father any more children when he wouldn’t be around to raise them.”

“What do you mean?”

“Dean has been going away saying they were business trips for his writing, but he lied. The doctors found something on his last check-up. Cancer, I think. He won’t go into details. He doesn’t know if he’ll even have a future, Peter. Dean may be dying, and I’m so angry at him for keeping me in the dark. What am I going to do, Peter? I need to talk to someone. I can’t handle this. I love him too much to risk losing him. What am I going to do?” She broke down, the tears falling thick and fast.