“I don’t think that’s a good idea, we can just drive by the police station on the way to our place,” Oliver says.

“I really need to go to the dorm and get something,” I urge. I only have two birth control pills left. I need to take it continuously, or I’ll be in trouble. More than trouble, my life will be over.

Oliver and Sullivan exchange a look, and I’m not sure what they’re discussing in their weird sibling communication, but I wish they’d let me in on it.

I’m almost certain they’re going to say no, so I prepare myself for an argument, but I’m shocked when Sullivan says, “Okay, you can do what you need to do, and we’ll stay on campus nearby.”

“Thank you,” I mumble, and Banks chooses then to place his hand on mine. I can’t help how happy I am to have these three men by my side.

When we pull up to the dorms a short while later. Two cop cars are parked right out front, but I don’t see the police officers until I get out of the car. Before I even have a chance to explain, two more cops come running toward us, guns drawn, yelling at all of us to get on the ground.

I’m so shocked, I don’t know what to do, or say, or even think. I’m about to get on the ground when I realize it’s not me they’re talking to, but the guys.

“What… what’s wrong?” I ask one of the cops, who is currently slapping a pair of handcuffs on Banks.

“Are you alright, Miss? Did they hurt you?”

“Why would they hurt me? They didn’t do anything. Please stop,” I plead with him.

“We were told by your parents that three men had kidnapped you,” the police officer tells me. Worry and confusion turn to anger and understanding in the blink of an eye.

“Release them now! No one kidnapped me. I went with them of my own will, and last I checked I’m an adult who can make her own choices.”

Almost immediately they’re released and come over to stand by my side. Banks is rubbing his wrists, giving the cop a stink eye, but doesn’t say anything.

“You okay?” Oliver asks, taking my hand into his. I force a reassuring smile and nod.

“We would like to take a statement, just for our records,” one of the cops tells me.

“What is there to say? Nothing happened. I went to a cabin with my friends for three days, end of statement,” I snap.

I know it’s not the cop’s fault, but he is here right now, and my parents aren’t, so I guess he’ll just have to deal with my anger.

“Okay, we’ll leave you to it then.” The cops look at each other before getting back into their cruisers. I watch them drive away, unable to hide the dirty look on my face.

Once they’re out of sight, I return my attention back to the guys. All three of them look at me with nothing but concern and only then do I realize that I’m shivering. I have this overwhelming urge to hug all of them, and since Oliver is closest, I hug him first. He holds me close to his chest for a moment before releasing me, so I can hug Sullivan and Banks too.

“I just want all of this to be over,” I finally say.

“It will be soon. We’ll figure it out,” Sullivan says, and it almost sounds like a promise.

“Okay… you guys just wait here. I’ll run upstairs real quick and get my stuff.”

“I’ll come with you,” Banks announces, and I can tell by his tone, and the tenseness of his body that he is not going to take no for an answer. Where Oliver and Sullivan are happy for me to take the lead, Banks’ concern for me overrides his usual easygoing nature. Offering him my hand, he takes it and interlaces our fingers.

We walk inside together holding hands, and it occurs to me then, is he even okay with this kind of PDA? I don’t want to push this, whatever we all are, none of us have put a label on it yet, and I don’t want to be the first to. I start to pull my hand away, wanting to give him some space, but I don’t even get my hand moved an inch before he’s tightening his grip. He looks over at me with a lifted brow, and I gulp. Okay, so he doesn’t care if someone sees us holding hands.

When we reach the door to my room, there’s music blasting through the heavy wood letting me know that Shelby is here.

“Shelby’s here, do you mind waiting out in the hall? I want to talk to her on my own. I need to know why she lied to me about Oliver at the party.”