Two fingers enter me without warning, spreading me. I expect there to be some pain, but there’s none, in fact, there’s nothing but pleasure. It sparks, igniting my orgasm like a rocket that’s heading toward the moon. One more pluck of my nipple, and two more dips inside my tightness and I’m soaring through the air, my entire body burning, like a shooting star, I burn up across the night sky.

A gasp catches in my throat as I tumble through nothingness, my eyes fall closed, and my nails sink into flesh that I didn’t even know I was holding onto. Oliver growls deeply between my thighs as he licks my orgasm clean. I blink my eyes open and find Banks staring at me, the look in his eyes is possessive and tells me that tonight means everything to him. Oliver pulls away, and I’m left reeling, a thousand different emotions prickling the surface.

“Roll to your side,” he says, gently nudging me to roll over. I do as he asks, resuming the same position we were laying in before. Oliver is in front of me, and Banks is behind me. The only difference now… we are all naked.

I can feel Banks’ hard length pressing up against my ass cheeks as he kisses my bare shoulder, before grazing my ear with his teeth, “Tonight, we’re going to make slow love to you. Show you how much we really care about you, and how we truly are one. You belong with us, and you never have to be alone again.”

Swallowing, I push any, and all, thoughts away. Whatever happens tomorrow, I will deal with then, my emotions, my thoughts. All of it can wait. Falling into the feeling of nothing, but the two of them, I moan as Banks once again starts to kiss me, his lips sucking at the tender flesh beneath my ear.

Oliver lifts my leg and drapes it over his, opening my center up to him. He pulls me into his body, his cock brushing against my sensitive clit as he lines himself up with my entrance. A soft gasp fills the air as he slips inside, stretching me slowly, so slowly, I think I might die.

Banks groans into my ear as if he was the one to slip inside me. His hands roam over every inch of flesh, my chest, neck, and hips, while his brother inches himself inside of me, deeper, and deeper until I feel nothing but him. Air rushes from my lungs, and my body once again feels like it’s burning up.

Once seated fully, he gives me a moment to adjust to his size. I feel so full, but also content, like this is exactly what I needed. For the first time, I don’t worry about my memories returning. I don’t feel broken or lost. All the confusion in my mind is gone and replaced with the feelings Oliver and Banks are giving me. There is no need to worry because, in this room, I have everything I’ll ever want or need.

Oliver pulls out of me almost all the way, only to thrust back inside. His movement causes my back to press more firmly into Banks. Every nerve ending in my body starts to tingle, needing more, and as if Banks understands that need, he begins to touch me again, running his fingers all over my back, shoulders, arms and coming to rest against my ass. I wonder if he wants to claim that part of me too.

“I know you’re thinking about it. About letting me take your virgin ass, and I will, just not tonight…” Oh lord. The growl he emits could wake the dead, and when his teeth sink into my shoulder, a spasm of pleasure radiates out of my core, causing me to clench around Oliver’s length. Oliver holds onto me tightly, his fingers digging into my skin while he stares at me with so much need and conviction, I could cry. His body is wound tight, his muscles trembling with every thrust, telling me just how much he wants this, how much he needs it.

“I’ve dreamed about this night, about having you for the first time, about coming inside of you.” His eyes are wild and full of life. It’s risky, I know that but I’m on the pill, and I know they would never put me in danger like that.

“Yes,” I pant, feeling the distinct build of pleasure filling my veins. The idea of him coming inside me only turns me on more. Banks plucks at my hard nipples, and grinds his cock against my ass, making Oliver hit something deeper inside of me. I can’t help myself, there’s no holding back the pleasure that comes rippling through me.

“I’m going to come inside you…” Oliver groans and I nod, as pleasure overtakes me.